responsibility finder

Applying for planning permission for the construction of an installation

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you want to erect structures, you need a building permit unless the structure does not require a permit.

Structures are structures that are connected to the ground and made of construction products. A connection to the ground also exists if the structure rests on the ground due to its own weight or has limited movement on fixed tracks or if the structure is intended to be used predominantly in a fixed position according to its intended use.

In the approval procedure, the construction project is only checked for compliance with the regulations on

  • the permissibility of the construction under building planning law,
  • building regulations requirements and
  • other requirements under public law, insofar as a decision under other public law regulations is not required due to the building permit, is replaced or the decision is assigned to the lower building supervisory authority by specialist law.

Compliance with the requirements for stability, fire, noise, heat and vibration protection must be verified by means of structural engineering certificates. This must be available at the start of construction, checked by the building authorities if necessary.

As the client, you therefore bear a great deal of responsibility. The restriction of the building authority inspection does not release you from the obligation to comply with the requirements placed on systems by public law regulations. Otherwise, for example, construction may be stopped or use may be prohibited.

Process flow

You can apply for a building permit for the construction of an installation electronically using the online service or in writing using the paper form.

If you use the online service, proceed as follows:

  • Log in with your user account. To apply as a private individual, you need a BundID account. If you are applying on behalf of an organization (company, public authority, etc.), you will need a "My company account".
  • Complete the online form.
  • Add the required building documents.
  • Submit the application documents to the responsible lower building supervisory authority.
  • If necessary, the lower building supervisory authority will ask you to pay the fees in advance.
  • Make the advance payment.
  • If documents are missing or there are other ambiguities, you will be asked to rectify these.
  • In this case, submit the missing or amended documents and/or the clarification.
  • The lower building supervisory authority will review your application and involve the relevant authorities whose participation or consultation is required.
  • You will then receive the building permit and a notification of fees.
  • You pay the fees.
Who should I contact?

Lower building supervisory authority

  • Your building project complies with public law regulations.
  • If not, you can apply for and justify deviations with the building application.
  • As a rule, you must commission an authorized draftsman - for example, a civil engineer or an architect.
Which documents are required?
  • Extract from the real estate map
  • Site plan
  • Construction drawings
  • Building description

Depending on the purpose of the building project, you can or must submit further building documents. These are, for example

  • Proof of stability
  • Proof of fire protection
  • Other structural engineering certificates
  • Information on the secured development with regard to the supply of water and energy as well as the disposal of waste water and traffic development
  • Calculation of the permitted, existing and planned extent of building use
  • Description of operations
  • Information on the implementation of accessibility
  • Information on parking spaces
  • Statistical survey form

Required for advertising facilities

  • Extract from the real estate map at a scale no smaller than 1:500 with an indication of the location
  • Drawing at a scale no smaller than 1:50 and description or another suitable representation of the advertising installation, such as a colored photograph or a colored photo montage
  • Proof of stability, insofar as it has been checked by the building authorities, otherwise the declaration of the installer of the structural proofs
What are the fees?

11 euros per 1,000 euros or part thereof of the chargeable building values

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Period of validity: 3 Years
You must start construction work within 3 years of receiving planning permission. You may then interrupt the construction work for a maximum of 3 years. In cases where you have started construction work within 3 years, you can have the building permit extended by 3 years.

Legal basis
  • Objection
  • Complaint
What else should I know?

Before a building application is submitted, you can apply for a preliminary decision on individual questions relating to the building project, for example whether the planned building project is permitted under building planning law at this location.

It should be noted that the construction, modification or change of use of a building without the required building permit constitutes an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine. There is also the risk that an unauthorized construction project that has been started may be stopped or its use prohibited. Furthermore, removal can be ordered.

If you have a building permit, you must submit a notice of commencement of construction to the lower building supervisory authority at least one week before the start of construction.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you want to erect structures, you need a building permit unless the structure does not require a permit.

Process flow

You can apply for a building permit for the construction of an installation electronically using the online service or in writing using the paper form.

If you use the online service, proceed as follows:

  • Log in with your user account. To apply as a private individual, you need a BundID account. If you are applying on behalf of an organization (company, public authority, etc.), you will need a "My company account".
  • Complete the online form.
  • Add the required building documents.
  • Submit the application documents to the responsible lower building supervisory authority.
  • If necessary, the lower building supervisory authority will ask you to pay the fees in advance.
  • Make the advance payment.
  • If documents are missing or there are other ambiguities, you will be asked to rectify these.
  • In this case, submit the missing or amended documents and/or the clarification.
  • The lower building supervisory authority will review your application and involve the relevant authorities whose participation or consultation is required.
  • You will then receive the building permit and a notification of fees.
  • You pay the fees.

Who should I contact?

Lower building supervisory authority


  • Your building project complies with public law regulations.
  • If not, you can apply for and justify deviations with the building application.
  • As a rule, you must commission an authorized draftsman - for example, a civil engineer or an architect.

Which documents are required?

  • Extract from the real estate map
  • Site plan
  • Construction drawings
  • Building description

Depending on the purpose of the building project, you can or must submit further building documents. These are, for example

  • Proof of stability
  • Proof of fire protection
  • Other structural engineering certificates
  • Information on the secured development with regard to the supply of water and energy as well as the disposal of waste water and traffic development
  • Calculation of the permitted, existing and planned extent of building use
  • Description of operations
  • Information on the implementation of accessibility
  • Information on parking spaces
  • Statistical survey form

Required for advertising facilities

  • Extract from the real estate map at a scale no smaller than 1:500 with an indication of the location
  • Drawing at a scale no smaller than 1:50 and description or another suitable representation of the advertising installation, such as a colored photograph or a colored photo montage
  • Proof of stability, insofar as it has been checked by the building authorities, otherwise the declaration of the installer of the structural proofs

What are the fees?

11 euros per 1,000 euros or part thereof of the chargeable building values

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Period of validity: 3 Years
You must start construction work within 3 years of receiving planning permission. You may then interrupt the construction work for a maximum of 3 years. In cases where you have started construction work within 3 years, you can have the building permit extended by 3 years.

Legal basis


  • Objection
  • Complaint

What else should I know?

Before a building application is submitted, you can apply for a preliminary decision on individual questions relating to the building project, for example whether the planned building project is permitted under building planning law at this location.

It should be noted that the construction, modification or change of use of a building without the required building permit constitutes an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine. There is also the risk that an unauthorized construction project that has been started may be stopped or its use prohibited. Furthermore, removal can be ordered.

If you have a building permit, you must submit a notice of commencement of construction to the lower building supervisory authority at least one week before the start of construction.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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