Show fixed amateur radio station
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
If you wish to operate a fixed amateur radio system with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 10 watts or more as an amateur radio operator, you must first inform the Federal Network Agency (notification).
As an amateur radio operator, you must notify the Federal Network Agency of an amateur radio system of 10 watts or more (EIRP) before commissioning.
If you wish to operate a fixed amateur radio system with an EIRP of 10 watts or more, you must first
- be licensed as an amateur radio operator in Germany and have a callsign valid in Germany.
- confirm with the notification that the personal protection limits valid in Germany are complied with.
As an amateur radio operator, you are responsible for the accuracy of the report, regardless of the aids or procedures used. A critical evaluation of the results is therefore strongly recommended.
Acceptance of the report does not mean that the information will be checked for accuracy. A check will only be carried out on a random basis and in justified cases.
If you wish to operate a fixed amateur radio system with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 10 watts or more as an amateur radio operator, you must first inform the Federal Network Agency (notification).
Process flow
You can indicate your participation in the amateur radio service online or by post.
Notify participation online:
- Go to the website of the federal portal and call up the online application. This will guide you step by step through the necessary information, which you can enter electronically. To identify yourself, you will need the online ID function of your ID card, a federal user account for natural persons or an Elster certificate.
- Upload the required documents and submit the application.
Show participation by post:
Open the forms on the BNetzA website and fill it out. You will need:
- the notification form for carrying out the notification,
- the form for configuring the amateur radio system
- Print out and complete both forms, sign and send the notification form together with the representation of the site-related safety distance and the controllable area to the Federal Network Agency.
All other documents (see Section 9 (3) BEMFV) must be kept ready at the fixed amateur radio installation:
- Documentation on compliance with the requirements of Section 8 (2) and (3) BEMFV,
- Antenna diagrams, if the antennas are commercially available,
- a site plan based on the development, property or land use plan, showing the adjacent properties or buildings and their use to the operating site of the notified radio installation as well as the areas in which the limit values according to § 3 BEMFV must be complied with,
- if the transmitting antenna is mounted on a building, a construction drawing or sketch with dimensions (side view and plan view) and
- details of the configuration of the installed fixed amateur radio system, including its transmission power and all other technical parameters required to assess the maximum electromagnetic fields emitted by the system.
The Federal Network Agency will accept your notification.
In justified cases and on a random basis, the Federal Network Agency will check your details and documents and may contact you with further questions.
- You must be licensed as an amateur radio operator in Germany.
- You must have a callsign valid in Germany.
- You wish to operate an amateur radio system with 10 watts (EIRP) or more.
Which documents are required?
You must submit a comprehensible graphic representation of the site-related safety distance and controllable area in a scaled sketch with the location of the reference antenna(s). The sketch must show that the site-specific safety distance ends within the controllable area.
What are the fees?
There are no costs.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There is no deadline.
Processing duration
This is only a notification. A decision will not be issued.
Legal basis
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
- Display fixed amateur radio station with an equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) of 10 watts or more Reception
Remark: Display of performance in the source portal