Trade roll registration with master craftsman examination certificate
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
You have successfully passed the examination for the master craftsman's diploma and would like to work independently in a trade that is subject to registration? Then you must first register your business in the register of skilled crafts.
If you wish to become self-employed after successfully passing the master craftsman's examination in this craft or a related craft as a standing trade, you must first be entered in the register of craftsmen.
The Handwerksrolle is a register kept by your local Chamber of Crafts.
Among other things, the Handicrafts Register lists
- natural persons,
- partnerships with legal capacity or
- legal entities and
- the name and qualification of the company management.
Registration in the Handicrafts Register is obligatory if you
- want to practice a craft that is subject to licensing,
- want to exercise the craft only in parts and
- want to perform essential activities of several crafts, then for each of these crafts.
In order to be entered in the register of skilled crafts, you or the company management must prove that you have successfully completed a master craftsman's examination for the craft to be practiced or an equivalent professional qualification.
The following are eligible as company management:
- owners of the craft enterprise or
- employed persons of the craft enterprise
You will find a complete list of the crafts requiring approval in Annex A to the Crafts Code (HwO).
The responsible Chambers of Crafts provide further information on this service. Please contact the responsible Chamber of Crafts for more information.
You have successfully passed the examination for the master craftsman's diploma and would like to work independently in a trade that is subject to registration? Then you must first register your business in the register of skilled crafts.
Process flow
You can apply for entry in the register of skilled crafts in writing or, in some cases, online at your local Chamber of Skilled Crafts. Please inform yourself about the procedure at the responsible Chamber of Skilled Crafts. You can also have the required documents sent to you.
- Submit your application documents to your local Chamber of Skilled Crafts.
- The Chamber of Skilled Crafts will check your application for completeness and, on the basis of the certificate, whether the focus of the degree corresponds to the craft you want to practice.
- If you meet the registration requirements, you will be notified in advance of the anticipated registration.
- Once registration has taken place, you will receive a written certificate from your local Chamber of Crafts. Your company will receive the so-called Handwerkskarte.
- If the registration is rejected, you will receive a notice from the locally responsible Chamber of Crafts.
You, the personally liable partner or partner responsible for the technical management of the company or your company management require a successfully completed master craftsman's examination
- in the craft subject to licensing or
- in a related craft
with which you wish to become self-employed as an established trade.
Which documents are required?
In case of sole proprietorship:
- Identity card or a comparable identification document (copy)
- Master craftsman certificate (copy)
- Business registration (copy): Can be submitted after registration in the register of trades.
For civil law partnerships (GbR):
- Identity card or a comparable identification document of the partners or the persons authorized to represent the company (copy)
- Articles of association, if not concluded informally (copy)
- Master craftsman's certificate of the personally liable partner responsible for the technical management of the company or the employed company management (copy)
- Business registration (copy): Can be submitted after registration in the register of trades.
In the case of legally capable commercial partnerships:
- Meant are:
- General partnership (OHG),
- limited partnership (KG) and
- corresponding foreign company forms.
- identity card or a comparable identification document of the partners or the persons authorized to represent the company (copy)
- for proof of the entrepreneurial legal form:
- in the case of the company's registered office in Germany:
- in the case of companies entered in the commercial register: extract from the register, in the case of a general partnership also a copy of the articles of association
- if no entry in the register has been made: articles of association (copy)
- for foreign legal forms:
- Excerpt from the register, if already entered in the foreign register, otherwise
- articles of association (copy)
- Master craftsman's certificate of the personally liable partner responsible for the technical management of the company or of the employed company management (copy)
- Business registration (copy): Can be submitted after registration in the register of trades.
For legal entities:
- Meant are:
- Limited liability company (GmbH),
- Entrepreneurial company (haftungsbeschränkt),
- stock corporation (AG),
- registered cooperative (eG)
- identity card or a comparable identification document of the persons authorized to represent the company (copy)
- for proof of entrepreneurial legal form:
- if the company is domiciled in Germany: extract from the commercial register or register of cooperatives
- for foreign legal forms: Register excerpt of the competent foreign register
- Business registration (copy): Can be submitted after registration in the register of skilled crafts.
- Details of company management.
- Proof of qualification, e.g. master craftsman's certificate of the employed company management.
If you employ a plant manager, you must also submit the following information
- Plant manager declaration
- Proof of management activity: employment contract (copy)
- Proof of social insurance of the plant manager
- Master craftsman's certificate (copy)
If you employ a second person as a plant manager, you must also submit the plant manager's declaration together with other documents mentioned above for this person. This may be the case, for example, if you wish to carry out several trades subject to licensing as a standing trade.
What are the fees?
The amount of the fees can be found in the fee schedule of the responsible Chamber of Crafts.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
You must be registered in the register of craftsmen before starting the activity.
Processing duration
Processing time: 3 MonthsProvided that all documents are complete and no further procedure is necessary, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts shall make the entry in the Register of Skilled Crafts within 3 months, otherwise the entry shall be deemed to have been made after the expiry of this period.
Legal basis
- You can take legal action against a rejection of your application for entry in the register of skilled crafts.
- Depending on the federal state in which you have submitted the application, a preliminary procedure will be carried out first.
- For information on the existing legal remedies, please refer to the instructions on legal remedies in your notification.
What else should I know?
There are no clues or specifics.