responsibility finder

Applying for information about yourself from the European Visa Information System (VIS)

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you would like to know what information the Visa Information System (VIS) has stored about you, you can apply for information.

The European Visa Information System (VIS) is a system for the exchange of visa data between the Schengen states.

The system simplifies visa applications and checks at external borders and increases security in Europe.

The Visa Information System contains data on third-country nationals who apply for a Schengen visa. The Visa Information System also contains data of persons who have submitted a declaration of commitment for a visa applicant or who have been named as a contact person for an inviting company. The data is subject to strict data protection rules and is stored for up to 5 years.

You have the right to know

  • what information the VIS has stored about you and
  • which member state of the Schengen area has entered your data into the system.

To do this, you must apply to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA) for information.

The VIS contains your data if you have applied for a Schengen visa. The following personal data is usually contained in the VIS:

  • Photo
  • fingerprints
  • Information from the visa application, for example
    • Personal details: surname, first name, place of birth, date of birth, place of residence
    • Nationality details
    • Your passport details
    • Information on the purpose and duration of the trip
    • Visa details
    • Further information if necessary

The VIS also contains your data if you, as the inviting party, have submitted a declaration of commitment for a visa applicant. The following personal data is then usually contained in the VIS:

  • Surname
  • First name
  • Address

The VIS contains your data if you are named as the contact person for a company that has issued a declaration of commitment for a visa applicant as the inviting party. The following personal data is then usually contained in the VIS:

  • Name of the company
  • Address of the company
  • Surname and first name of the contact person in the company

Process flow

You can submit the application online or by post.

Online application:

  • Go to the website of the federal portal and fill out the application form for data subject information electronically.
  • Note: You will need your ID card with PIN number for the online function
  • Submit your application.
  • The Federal Office of Administration (BVA) will check your application.
  • You will then receive the information about the stored data by post.

Application by post:

  • Download the application form from the website of the Federal Office of Administration (BVA).
  • Send the completed application form together with the required documents to the BVA address stated on the application form.
  • The BVA will check your application.
  • You will then receive information about the stored data by post.

You do not have to meet any requirements to apply.

Which documents are required?

For applications by post:

  • Proof of identity: To enable an exact assignment, you can voluntarily enclose a copy of your passport or ID card with the personal data. The copy will be used exclusively for the purpose of proof of identity. The copy will be destroyed immediately after inspection or returned with the information on request. Black out all details on the copy that are not required for proof of identity. This includes, for example, eye color and height. If there is any doubt about the identity of the person who submitted the application, the Federal Office of Administration may request additional information necessary to confirm the person's identity.

If the application or information is submitted by or to a representative (authorized person), the following must also be submitted

  • completed power of attorney with independent signature of the person concerned
What are the fees?

The application does not incur any costs for you.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

You do not have to meet any deadlines.

Processing duration

Processing takes a maximum of 4 weeks from receipt of the application.

Legal basis
  • Initial decision: Appeal to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA)
  • In the event of an objection notice: Action before the Cologne Administrative Court
Applications / forms
  • Forms available: Yes
  • Written form required: Yes
  • Informal application possible: No
  • Personal appearance necessary: No
  • Online service available: No

Federal Office of Administration (BVA)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you would like to know what information the Visa Information System (VIS) has stored about you, you can apply for information.

Process flow

You can submit the application online or by post.

Online application:

  • Go to the website of the federal portal and fill out the application form for data subject information electronically.
  • Note: You will need your ID card with PIN number for the online function
  • Submit your application.
  • The Federal Office of Administration (BVA) will check your application.
  • You will then receive the information about the stored data by post.

Application by post:

  • Download the application form from the website of the Federal Office of Administration (BVA).
  • Send the completed application form together with the required documents to the BVA address stated on the application form.
  • The BVA will check your application.
  • You will then receive information about the stored data by post.


You do not have to meet any requirements to apply.

Which documents are required?

For applications by post:

  • Proof of identity: To enable an exact assignment, you can voluntarily enclose a copy of your passport or ID card with the personal data. The copy will be used exclusively for the purpose of proof of identity. The copy will be destroyed immediately after inspection or returned with the information on request. Black out all details on the copy that are not required for proof of identity. This includes, for example, eye color and height. If there is any doubt about the identity of the person who submitted the application, the Federal Office of Administration may request additional information necessary to confirm the person's identity.

If the application or information is submitted by or to a representative (authorized person), the following must also be submitted

  • completed power of attorney with independent signature of the person concerned

What are the fees?

The application does not incur any costs for you.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

You do not have to meet any deadlines.

Processing duration

Processing takes a maximum of 4 weeks from receipt of the application.

Legal basis


  • Initial decision: Appeal to the Federal Office of Administration (BVA)
  • In the event of an objection notice: Action before the Cologne Administrative Court

Applications / forms

  • Forms available: Yes
  • Written form required: Yes
  • Informal application possible: No
  • Personal appearance necessary: No
  • Online service available: No


Federal Office of Administration (BVA)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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