responsibility finder

Show installation and decommissioning of publicly accessible charging points

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you put publicly accessible normal and fast charging points into or out of operation, you must notify the Federal Network Agency. You must also notify the Agency if you make private charging points public or hand over your charging points to another operator.

If you put publicly accessible normal and fast charging points for electric vehicles into operation or take them out of operation, you must notify the Federal Network Agency. You must also notify the Federal Network Agency if you make private charging points public or hand over your publicly accessible charging points to another operator.

The obligation to notify applies to all normal charging points that were put into operation after 17.03.2016 and to all fast charging points.

Normal charging points have a maximum charging capacity of 22 kilowatts.
Fast charging points have a charging capacity of more than 22 kilowatts.

A charging point is publicly accessible if it is located either on a public road or on private land and the parking space belonging to the charging point can be used by others.

Process flow

You can submit the notification using the online form.

Notification of installation or decommissioning:

  • Register on the reporting portal for the charging station register or log into your existing account.
  • Open the online form for reporting a publicly accessible charging station in the reporting portal.
  • Complete the online form and upload the required documents.
  • Submit the form electronically.
  • The Federal Network Agency will check your notification and send you a query in the portal or confirm your details.
  • The Federal Network Agency publishes the charging points on its website once the notification is complete and has been confirmed.

Notification of a change of operator:

  • Log into your existing operator account in the reporting portal for the charging station register.
  • Select the charging stations to be displayed for an operator change in your table overview.
  • Define the future operator by entering their operator ID and the time of the operator change.
  • Send the notification of the operator change.
  • The new operator must confirm the notification in their operator account.

You are planning to install a publicly accessible charging point for electric vehicles or are already operating publicly accessible normal or fast charging points.

Which documents are required?

Operators of fast-charging points must also provide evidence of compliance with the technical requirements of the ordinance by enclosing a commissioning report signed by a qualified electrician.

What are the fees?

There are no costs for you.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
  • Notification period up to 2 weeks after commissioning
  • Decommissioning must be reported immediately

Application deadline: 2 Weeks

Processing duration

Processing time: 1 - 14 Days

Legal basis

As this is a notification procedure, no administrative decisions are made against which an appeal could be lodged.


Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you put publicly accessible normal and fast charging points into or out of operation, you must notify the Federal Network Agency. You must also notify the Agency if you make private charging points public or hand over your charging points to another operator.

Process flow

You can submit the notification using the online form.

Notification of installation or decommissioning:

  • Register on the reporting portal for the charging station register or log into your existing account.
  • Open the online form for reporting a publicly accessible charging station in the reporting portal.
  • Complete the online form and upload the required documents.
  • Submit the form electronically.
  • The Federal Network Agency will check your notification and send you a query in the portal or confirm your details.
  • The Federal Network Agency publishes the charging points on its website once the notification is complete and has been confirmed.

Notification of a change of operator:

  • Log into your existing operator account in the reporting portal for the charging station register.
  • Select the charging stations to be displayed for an operator change in your table overview.
  • Define the future operator by entering their operator ID and the time of the operator change.
  • Send the notification of the operator change.
  • The new operator must confirm the notification in their operator account.


You are planning to install a publicly accessible charging point for electric vehicles or are already operating publicly accessible normal or fast charging points.

Which documents are required?

Operators of fast-charging points must also provide evidence of compliance with the technical requirements of the ordinance by enclosing a commissioning report signed by a qualified electrician.

What are the fees?

There are no costs for you.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

  • Notification period up to 2 weeks after commissioning
  • Decommissioning must be reported immediately

Application deadline: 2 Weeks

Processing duration

Processing time: 1 - 14 Days

Legal basis


As this is a notification procedure, no administrative decisions are made against which an appeal could be lodged.


Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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