responsibility finder

Home nursing care benefits for people with statutory accident insurance

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

You will receive home nursing care from your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund to replace or shorten a stay in hospital.

You will receive home nursing care from your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund if hospital treatment is necessary due to an accident at work or on the way to work or a recognized occupational disease, but cannot be carried out (for example, no free hospital beds). You can also receive home nursing care if hospital treatment can be avoided or shortened by home nursing care.

An entitlement only exists

  • if the aim of the treatment is not jeopardized,
  • if a person living in the household cannot reasonably be expected to care for and look after you to the extent required and
  • if the home nursing care is appropriate and justifiable, also taking into account the principles of economic efficiency.

The following services can be provided as part of home nursing care:

  • Basic care,
  • treatment care,
  • Help with household chores, for example shopping, cooking, cleaning
  • If your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund is unable to provide you with a carer or if a carer cannot be provided, you will be reimbursed for the costs of a carer you procure yourself to an appropriate amount.

Process flow

The principle of official investigation applies in statutory accident insurance. This means that your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund will carry out all necessary investigations on its own initiative ("ex officio") as soon as it learns of your accident at work or commuting accident or an occupational illness.

  • Any necessary basic and treatment care is prescribed by the attending physician.
  • The doctor's prescription must contain all the necessary details (such as the type, duration and daily number of hours of care).
  • Home nursing care must be organized in accordance with the care plan drawn up by the treating hospital.
  • The prescription must be approved by your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund before home nursing care can begin.
  • You and the attending doctor will be informed of the decision by your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.

The attending physician must ensure that the home nursing care is carried out properly and is successful.

You can also contact your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund online or by post.

Online service:

  • Call up the online service.
  • You will be guided through the procedure on the accident insurance service portal.
  • You can log in.
    • If you would like to receive a reply from your Berufsgenossenschaft or accident insurance fund in the mailbox of your BundID account or My Company Account, you must have an account and authenticate yourself.
    • If you would like to receive the reply by post, you can continue without registering.
  • Select your responsible employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund or find them using the industry search.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Complete the online form and send it off.
  • Your notification will be automatically forwarded to your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
  • You will receive feedback via the desired channel.

Online service of your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund:

  • If you have access to the portal of your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund, you can also submit the notification electronically there if necessary.

Message by post:

  • Send an informal letter to your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
  • Make sure you provide the required information and enclose the necessary documents.
  • You have a health condition requiring treatment as a result of an accident at work or on the way to work or an occupational disease.
  • The home nursing care is medically necessary for you, taking into account the objectives, and
  • there is no need for inpatient treatment.
Which documents are required?
  • You do not need to submit any documents.
What are the fees?

There are no costs.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

There is no deadline.

Processing duration

Processing time: 1 - 5 Days
Usually within a few days, depending on the individual requirements.

Legal basis
  • Appeal
  • Detailed information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in the notification from your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
Applications / forms

Forms available: No

Written form required: No

Informal application possible: Yes

Personal appearance necessary: No

Online services available: Yes

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


You will receive home nursing care from your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund to replace or shorten a stay in hospital.

Process flow

The principle of official investigation applies in statutory accident insurance. This means that your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund will carry out all necessary investigations on its own initiative ("ex officio") as soon as it learns of your accident at work or commuting accident or an occupational illness.

  • Any necessary basic and treatment care is prescribed by the attending physician.
  • The doctor's prescription must contain all the necessary details (such as the type, duration and daily number of hours of care).
  • Home nursing care must be organized in accordance with the care plan drawn up by the treating hospital.
  • The prescription must be approved by your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund before home nursing care can begin.
  • You and the attending doctor will be informed of the decision by your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.

The attending physician must ensure that the home nursing care is carried out properly and is successful.

You can also contact your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund online or by post.

Online service:

  • Call up the online service.
  • You will be guided through the procedure on the accident insurance service portal.
  • You can log in.
    • If you would like to receive a reply from your Berufsgenossenschaft or accident insurance fund in the mailbox of your BundID account or My Company Account, you must have an account and authenticate yourself.
    • If you would like to receive the reply by post, you can continue without registering.
  • Select your responsible employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund or find them using the industry search.
  • Upload the required documents.
  • Complete the online form and send it off.
  • Your notification will be automatically forwarded to your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
  • You will receive feedback via the desired channel.

Online service of your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund:

  • If you have access to the portal of your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund, you can also submit the notification electronically there if necessary.

Message by post:

  • Send an informal letter to your employers' liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.
  • Make sure you provide the required information and enclose the necessary documents.


  • You have a health condition requiring treatment as a result of an accident at work or on the way to work or an occupational disease.
  • The home nursing care is medically necessary for you, taking into account the objectives, and
  • there is no need for inpatient treatment.

Which documents are required?

  • You do not need to submit any documents.

What are the fees?

There are no costs.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

There is no deadline.

Processing duration

Processing time: 1 - 5 Days
Usually within a few days, depending on the individual requirements.

Legal basis


  • Appeal
  • Detailed information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in the notification from your employer's liability insurance association or accident insurance fund.

Applications / forms

Forms available: No

Written form required: No

Informal application possible: Yes

Personal appearance necessary: No

Online services available: Yes


Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers