responsibility finder

Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Akti(F) Plus - Active for families and their children"

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

The Akti(F) Plus programme supports families and their children by providing parents with comprehensive advice on stabilizing their individual and family life situation and claiming social benefits, as well as supporting them in taking up and expanding employment.

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) supports organizations that help families and their children at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The "Akti(F) Plus - Active for Families and Children" program exists for this purpose. The aim of the Akti(F) Plus program is to improve the living situation and social participation of families.

The target group includes:

  • Families with children who receive benefits in accordance with the German Social Code (SGB) II (citizen's allowance, basic income support for jobseekers) or SGB XII (social assistance)
  • Families who receive or are entitled to child benefit supplement
  • Families - and, if necessary, adult household members - who are at risk of social exclusion and poverty

Funding is provided for activities that support parents in improving their family life situation.

This includes

  • Counseling and coaching services, family coaches (pilots / navigators / mentors), which are tailored to individual needs and are additionally provided in differentiation to the benefits under SGB III and SGB II. The focus of the holistic advice is on individual and/or family and social problems that prevent social participation and, in the long term, employment (e.g. limited mobility, lack of childcare, lack of everyday structure, problems dealing with/accessing authorities, debt or addiction problems).
  • Personal help and support with personal and/or family stabilization
  • Help with applying for benefits to which the family is entitled.
  • Working parents should be empowered by the counseling or coaching services to maintain their employment and/or expand their employment to cover their needs.
  • Supporting parents with disabilities, in particular in the needs-based use of benefits for participation in working life or accompanying assistance in working life in accordance with the German Social Code (SGB) IX (rehabilitation and participation of people with disabilities).

The program also aims to improve cooperation between the relevant authorities. It is therefore aimed at the participating job centers, employment agencies, local authorities, social welfare agencies and independent and public youth welfare organizations, among others. Funding is provided for the establishment and expansion of cooperation structures to provide better support for families.

Type and scope:

The funding is granted in the form of pro rata financing with grants. The funding rates amount to up to 90 percent of the total expenditure.

Applications are approved by the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See (DRV KBS). The DRV KBS has the following tasks

  • informing the applicants and advising them on funding,
  • examine applications,
  • approve and pay out grants and
  • review projects.

The duration of an individual project is usually up to 4 years. The standard term of 4 years may not be exceeded when an application is submitted and first approved.

Process flow

The funding procedure is a two-stage process. In the 1st step, you submit an expression of interest. In the 2nd step, the selected project sponsors are invited to submit an application.

Expression of interest:

  • You submit expressions of interest electronically via the Z-EU-S funding portal online service by 14:00 on 31.03.2023.
  • An external expert institute will evaluate the submitted expressions of interest. The selection is based on selection criteria and weightings defined by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, including the quality of the project concept, the quality of the involvement of the cooperation partners, aspects of suitability and financing as well as the potential for continuation.


  • If your project is positively assessed, you must submit a formal, written application for funding to the DRV KBS via the Z-EU-S funding portal.

If the project is approved, the usual regulations for grants apply, supplemented by special regulations for federal funding from the European Social Fund 2021-2027.


Applications can be submitted by

  • legal entities under private and public law
  • partnerships with legal capacity, for example local authorities (cities, districts and municipalities)
  • Non-profit welfare organizations and other non-profit organizations, educational institutions, research institutes, associations
  • other companies

Natural persons cannot apply for grants.

They must fulfill the following requirements:

  • They must apply in a cooperation network with municipalities (cities, districts, municipalities), job centers or employment agencies and optionally companies.
  • Your project must focus on both individual objectives 1 and 2:
    • Individual objective 1: Supplementary support for parents and single parents in accessing assistance and social benefits, improving social and economic participation and, in the long term, taking up and/or expanding employment.
    • Individual objective 2: Establishment and expansion of cooperation structures for better support for families
  • You must develop and test the measures in both individual objectives on the basis of specific regional needs.
  • When planning, you must take into account the cross-sectoral principles (formerly cross-cutting objectives) of gender equality, anti-discrimination and the ecological dimension of sustainability.
  • In order to avoid double funding, your project can only be funded in the following federal states: Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Which documents are required?

in the expression of interest:

  • a signed letter of intent from the municipality and the participating job center(s)/employment agency,

when submitting the application:

  • a legally binding, signed cooperation agreement with the cooperation partners involved, setting out the structure of the cooperation and a clear allocation of the respective tasks
  • Project concept as well as work plan and timetable (to be uploaded to the Z-EU-S funding portal)

In the Z-EU-S IT system you will find all the necessary information on the ESF Plus 2021-2027 federal program.

What are the fees?

Fee: free of charge
There are no costs for expressing interest and submitting an application.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Period of validity: 4 Years
Two funding rounds are planned. The first funding round after publication of the funding guideline on February 15, 2023 will run until 2028. The second funding round is planned for 2025.

Processing duration

Processing time: 2 - 3 Months
Processing usually takes at least 2 months.

Legal basis
  • You can lodge an appeal against decisions made as part of the approval process (funding decision, final decision) via the Z-EU-S funding portal.
  • A direct appeal procedure is also permitted against decisions made as part of the expression of interest procedure - provided these were issued by a supreme federal authority
Applications / forms

Forms available: No
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: No
Personal appearance necessary: No

What else should I know?

You can replace the written form with the electronic form of the qualified electronic signature (qeS) or electronic proof of identity (eID) approved in the Z-EU-S funding portal.

Please give priority to the electronic form.

Only in exceptional cases can you apply to the granting authority to submit the signature by post.

In such exceptional cases, you must download the forms entered electronically and submitted in Z-EU-S after electronic submission, sign them by hand and also submit them by post. Please note the deadlines indicated.


Division EF 2 "ESF Program Implementation, EHAP Managing Authority, Digital Transformation" at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


The Akti(F) Plus programme supports families and their children by providing parents with comprehensive advice on stabilizing their individual and family life situation and claiming social benefits, as well as supporting them in taking up and expanding employment.

Process flow

The funding procedure is a two-stage process. In the 1st step, you submit an expression of interest. In the 2nd step, the selected project sponsors are invited to submit an application.

Expression of interest:

  • You submit expressions of interest electronically via the Z-EU-S funding portal online service by 14:00 on 31.03.2023.
  • An external expert institute will evaluate the submitted expressions of interest. The selection is based on selection criteria and weightings defined by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, including the quality of the project concept, the quality of the involvement of the cooperation partners, aspects of suitability and financing as well as the potential for continuation.


  • If your project is positively assessed, you must submit a formal, written application for funding to the DRV KBS via the Z-EU-S funding portal.

If the project is approved, the usual regulations for grants apply, supplemented by special regulations for federal funding from the European Social Fund 2021-2027.


Applications can be submitted by

  • legal entities under private and public law
  • partnerships with legal capacity, for example local authorities (cities, districts and municipalities)
  • Non-profit welfare organizations and other non-profit organizations, educational institutions, research institutes, associations
  • other companies

Natural persons cannot apply for grants.

They must fulfill the following requirements:

  • They must apply in a cooperation network with municipalities (cities, districts, municipalities), job centers or employment agencies and optionally companies.
  • Your project must focus on both individual objectives 1 and 2:
    • Individual objective 1: Supplementary support for parents and single parents in accessing assistance and social benefits, improving social and economic participation and, in the long term, taking up and/or expanding employment.
    • Individual objective 2: Establishment and expansion of cooperation structures for better support for families
  • You must develop and test the measures in both individual objectives on the basis of specific regional needs.
  • When planning, you must take into account the cross-sectoral principles (formerly cross-cutting objectives) of gender equality, anti-discrimination and the ecological dimension of sustainability.
  • In order to avoid double funding, your project can only be funded in the following federal states: Baden-Württemberg, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Which documents are required?

in the expression of interest:

  • a signed letter of intent from the municipality and the participating job center(s)/employment agency,

when submitting the application:

  • a legally binding, signed cooperation agreement with the cooperation partners involved, setting out the structure of the cooperation and a clear allocation of the respective tasks
  • Project concept as well as work plan and timetable (to be uploaded to the Z-EU-S funding portal)

In the Z-EU-S IT system you will find all the necessary information on the ESF Plus 2021-2027 federal program.

What are the fees?

Fee: free of charge
There are no costs for expressing interest and submitting an application.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Period of validity: 4 Years
Two funding rounds are planned. The first funding round after publication of the funding guideline on February 15, 2023 will run until 2028. The second funding round is planned for 2025.

Processing duration

Processing time: 2 - 3 Months
Processing usually takes at least 2 months.

Legal basis


  • You can lodge an appeal against decisions made as part of the approval process (funding decision, final decision) via the Z-EU-S funding portal.
  • A direct appeal procedure is also permitted against decisions made as part of the expression of interest procedure - provided these were issued by a supreme federal authority

Applications / forms

Forms available: No
Written form required: Yes
Informal application possible: No
Personal appearance necessary: No

What else should I know?

You can replace the written form with the electronic form of the qualified electronic signature (qeS) or electronic proof of identity (eID) approved in the Z-EU-S funding portal.

Please give priority to the electronic form.

Only in exceptional cases can you apply to the granting authority to submit the signature by post.

In such exceptional cases, you must download the forms entered electronically and submitted in Z-EU-S after electronic submission, sign them by hand and also submit them by post. Please note the deadlines indicated.


Division EF 2 "ESF Program Implementation, EHAP Managing Authority, Digital Transformation" at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers