responsibility finder

Requesting information from the competition register

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Do you want to know whether there is an entry against you in the competition register? Then you can request information from the Federal Cartel Office.

The Bundeskartellamt keeps a competition register (WebReg) of companies against which certain final criminal convictions or fines have been imposed. You can apply for an extract from the WebReg and obtain information on entries about you as a person or about your company. If there are no entries, you will receive so-called "negative information".

Public clients can use WebReg to find out whether legally binding judgments or fines have been issued against a company before awarding a contract. The competent public prosecutor's offices and fine authorities report all relevant criminal and fine decisions to WebReg. The Bundeskartellamt checks the notifications for obvious errors and informs the companies of a planned registration.

If you receive such a notification, you can object to the planned registration on the grounds that the data provided is incorrect. Notifications are deleted from the register after 3 or 5 years, depending on the severity of the offense. You can obtain early deletion by submitting an application for self-cleaning.

Process flow

You can request an extract from the Competition Register online or by post from the Bundeskartellamt.

Apply for an extract online:

  • Call up the online application. This will guide you step by step through the necessary information, which you can enter electronically.
    • Note: If you are a company, you will need a company account with MeinUK (Elster); if you are a natural person, you will need a BundID account.
  • You will be asked to pay the fee when you submit your application. After successful payment, your application will be sent to the Bundeskartellamt.
  • The Bundeskartellamt will check your details.
  • You will receive the relevant extract from the competition register by post.

Request an extract by post:

  • Download the application form from the Bundeskartellamt's website and complete it.
  • Print out the form and add an official or officially certified signature.
  • Send the form with any necessary documents by post to the responsible office at the Bundeskartellamt.
  • The Bundeskartellamt will check your details and documents.
  • You will receive a request to pay the fee. Pay the fee.
  • Once payment has been received, you will receive the relevant extract from the competition register by post.
  • You are a natural person or are submitting the application on behalf of a company.
  • If you are legally represented: You can provide proof of power of representation. Authorized representatives cannot submit an application.
Which documents are required?
  • for applications by post: Application form with official or officially notarized signature
  • for legal representation: power of representation
What are the fees?

Fee: 20,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
Payment method: Visa card, Mastercard, giropay

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

If you have already applied for information, you can only submit a new application after one year, unless there is a legitimate interest.

Legal basis
  • Appeal against the decision of the register authority
What else should I know?

There are no indications or special features.


Bundeskartellamt (BKartA)

Forwarding service: deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Do you want to know whether there is an entry against you in the competition register? Then you can request information from the Federal Cartel Office.

Process flow

You can request an extract from the Competition Register online or by post from the Bundeskartellamt.

Apply for an extract online:

  • Call up the online application. This will guide you step by step through the necessary information, which you can enter electronically.
    • Note: If you are a company, you will need a company account with MeinUK (Elster); if you are a natural person, you will need a BundID account.
  • You will be asked to pay the fee when you submit your application. After successful payment, your application will be sent to the Bundeskartellamt.
  • The Bundeskartellamt will check your details.
  • You will receive the relevant extract from the competition register by post.

Request an extract by post:

  • Download the application form from the Bundeskartellamt's website and complete it.
  • Print out the form and add an official or officially certified signature.
  • Send the form with any necessary documents by post to the responsible office at the Bundeskartellamt.
  • The Bundeskartellamt will check your details and documents.
  • You will receive a request to pay the fee. Pay the fee.
  • Once payment has been received, you will receive the relevant extract from the competition register by post.


  • You are a natural person or are submitting the application on behalf of a company.
  • If you are legally represented: You can provide proof of power of representation. Authorized representatives cannot submit an application.

Which documents are required?

  • for applications by post: Application form with official or officially notarized signature
  • for legal representation: power of representation

What are the fees?

Fee: 20,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
Payment method: Visa card, Mastercard, giropay

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

If you have already applied for information, you can only submit a new application after one year, unless there is a legitimate interest.

Legal basis


  • Appeal against the decision of the register authority

What else should I know?

There are no indications or special features.


Bundeskartellamt (BKartA)

Forwarding service: deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers