Apply for recognition as a nursing assistant or nursing assistant with professional qualification from abroad
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
You have acquired a professional qualification as a nursing assistant abroad. You would like to work in this profession in Germany? You can have your foreign professional qualification officially recognized for this purpose.
You can have a nursing assistant degree from abroad officially recognized in Germany.
Please note: Your degree must be state-recognized in the state where you trained. Informal or non-formal qualifications cannot be officially recognized in Germany.
You apply for recognition at the competent office in the federal state in which you would like to work. To do this, you must submit an application with all the necessary documents to the relevant state authority.
The competent body will then carry out an equivalence test. In this process, the competent body compares your professional qualification from abroad with the professional qualification in the federal state. Important criteria for the comparison are the content and duration of the training.
You will receive a decision on the result of the procedure. The notice states the existing and any missing professional qualifications.
You have acquired a professional qualification as a nursing assistant abroad. You would like to work in this profession in Germany? You can have your foreign professional qualification officially recognized for this purpose.
Process flow
You submit an application for recognition to the competent body. You must submit all the necessary documents to the competent body.
The competent body will then check: Is your foreign professional qualification equivalent to the professional qualification in the federal state? In doing so, the competent body compares the qualifications with the help of certain criteria. Important criteria are the content and duration of the training. The competent body also takes into account your professional experience, your other certificates of competence and qualifications when carrying out the equivalence test.
You will receive a decision with the result of the procedure. You will get the recognition if your professional qualification and the professional qualification in the federal state are equivalent.
Sometimes there are significant differences between the professional qualifications. The differences are listed in your notification (adaptation measures). You can use this notice to obtain specific further qualifications. After successful completion of the adaptation measure, your application can be recognized.
If your professional qualification is not equivalent at all, you will not receive recognition and your application will be rejected.
Who should I contact?
- Es gibt viele Beratungsangebote. Diese finden Sie auf dem Portal Anerkennung in Deutschland.
- Lassen Sie sich persönlich zu diesem Verfahren und Ihrer Qualifikation beraten. Die Beraterinnen und Berater helfen Ihnen auch vor der Antragstellung mit Ihren Unterlagen. Die Beratung ist kostenlos.
- Sie können auch die Hotline vom Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge anrufen. Die Hotline beantwortet Ihnen Fragen zum Thema „Arbeiten und Leben in Deutschland“.
Remark: Telefonnummer: +49 30 1815-1111
- Wenn Sie im Ausland sind: Über die Hotline erreichen Sie auch die Zentrale Servicestelle Berufsanerkennung (ZSBA). Dies bietet Ihnen vertiefte Beratung und Unterstützung im Anerkennungsverfahren und führt eine Standortberatung durch.
- For recognition: equivalence of your professional qualification
- For the application: Submission of the complete documents
Which documents are required?
- Application form
- Curriculum vitae
- Proof of identity (identity card or passport)
- Proof of your professional qualification (e.g. certificates, professional diploma)
- Proof of the content and duration of your education (e.g. Diploma Supplement, Transcript of Records)
- Proof of work experience in the profession
- Evidence of other relevant qualifications
- Have you already applied for recognition? If so, please indicate the office to which you submitted the application.
- Do you not yet live or work in the EU, EEA or Switzerland? Then you may have to prove You want to work in the profession in the federal state. Evidence includes job applications, invitations to interviews, or a location note from the Central Service Office for Professional Recognition (ZSBA).
If your documents are not in German, you must submit German translations of your documents. The translations must be made by translators who are publicly appointed or authorized.
Processing duration
Processing time: 3 MonthsThe competent office will acknowledge receipt of your application within one month. The competent office will inform you if further documents are required. If you have submitted all the required documents, you will receive a decision with the result after 3 months at the latest. In certain cases, the competent body may extend the procedure.
Legal basis
You can take legal action (for example, file an appeal) against the decision of the responsible office within a certain period of time. The decision will then be reviewed. Details on this can be found in the appeal instructions at the end of your decision. You should first talk to the responsible office before taking legal action against the decision.
What else should I know?
- Informationen zur Anerkennung ausländischer Berufsqualifikationen auf dem Portal Anerkennung in Deutschland
- Öffentlich bestellte Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzer in Deutschland
- Beratungsangebote auf dem Portal „Anerkennung in Deutschland“
- Beratungssuche auf dem Portal „Anerkennung in Deutschland“
- Hotline „Arbeiten und Leben in Deutschland“
- Zentrale Servicestelle Berufsanerkennung (ZSBA)