Display bank details to the tax authority for the first time
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
You can have state benefits paid out to you unbureaucratically, directly and securely against misuse if the Federal Tax Office (BZSt) has your account details.
The Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) stores the following data on natural persons:
- Identification number or business identification numbers,
- Family name, former names,
- first names,
- doctorate
- Date and place of birth,
- gender,
- current or last known address,
- competent tax authorities,
- date of death,
- date of moving in and out and
the bank details of the last payment of refunds:
- IBAN number
- BIC for foreign bank details.
The BZSt only stores the bank details to enable an imminent payment.
If you have not yet reached the age of 18, the family benefits office will send the account details to the BZSt. This is the account details to which child benefit was last paid.
If you are of legal age, you can change your account details to
- through your account-holding bank,
- via the portals of the tax authorities: the BZSt online portal (BOP) and the portal for electronic tax returns (ELSTER portal), or
have it transmitted by an authorized representative, for example by
- a tax consultant, for example,
- a lawyer or a solicitor or
- by an income tax assistance association.
You can have state benefits paid out to you unbureaucratically, directly and securely against misuse if the Federal Tax Office (BZSt) has your account details.
Process flow
You can provide the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) with your account details online, through your bank or an authorized person.
- Visit My ELSTER - your online tax office at elster.de
- Log in with your ELSTER certificate.
- In the "My ELSTER" section, go to "All forms" and select the form "Report IBAN to the BZSt for payment of public funds"
- Follow the instructions
- The system registers the change and saves the new data.
Through your bank:
- You instruct your credit institution via online banking, telephone banking, by post or in person at a branch of your credit institution.
- You will receive confirmation of your details from the BZSt.
By an authorized person:
- An authorized person, for example a tax advisor, transmits your account details on your behalf.
For underage children:
- The family benefits office will send the account details to the BZSt on your behalf to which your child benefit was last paid
- You will receive confirmation of your details from the BZSt.
Which documents are required?
- Current bank details with IBAN and, if applicable, BIC. BIC is only required if your bank account has foreign bank details.
- Identification number or business identification number
What are the fees?
There are no costs.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines.
Processing duration
Processing time: 1 Day
Legal basis
No legal remedies are provided for.
What else should I know?
There are no indications or special features.
Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt)
Forwarding service: Deep link to the source portal
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.