responsibility finder

Apply for a permit to breed or keep vertebrates or cephalopods intended for animal experiments or other scientific purposes

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Anyone wishing to carry out experiments on vertebrates requires a permit.

Anyone wishing to carry out experiments on vertebrates requires approval of the experimental project by the competent authority.

Requirements for the granting of a permit:

  • The experiment is essential.
  • The responsible head of the experimental project and his deputy have the necessary professional qualifications.
  • The necessary facilities, equipment and other material resources are available.
  • The personnel and organizational requirements are met.
  • Housing, care, animal care and medical care in accordance with legal requirements are ensured.

Who should I contact?

To the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, Europe and Consumer Protection (MLLEV).

Which documents are required?

The application must contain all information in accordance with Section 8 (2) of the Animal Welfare Act.

What are the fees?

The permit is subject to a fee. The fees are determined by the respective cost or fee schedule.

In Schleswig-Holstein, a fee of EUR 128.00 to EUR 1,023.00 is charged in accordance with the state ordinance on administrative fees for a permit in accordance with Section 8 (1) TierSchG.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

There are no deadlines for submitting an application.

Approval is granted for a limited period.

Legal basis
What else should I know?

Animal experiments that are prescribed or required by law or ordered by the authorities are not subject to approval. These must be notified to the competent authority at least two weeks before commencement.

Anyone wishing to carry out animal experiments must appoint an animal welfare officer and notify the competent authority.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Anyone wishing to carry out experiments on vertebrates requires a permit.

Who should I contact?

To the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, Europe and Consumer Protection (MLLEV).

Which documents are required?

The application must contain all information in accordance with Section 8 (2) of the Animal Welfare Act.

What are the fees?

The permit is subject to a fee. The fees are determined by the respective cost or fee schedule.

In Schleswig-Holstein, a fee of EUR 128.00 to EUR 1,023.00 is charged in accordance with the state ordinance on administrative fees for a permit in accordance with Section 8 (1) TierSchG.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

There are no deadlines for submitting an application.

Approval is granted for a limited period.

Legal basis

What else should I know?

Animal experiments that are prescribed or required by law or ordered by the authorities are not subject to approval. These must be notified to the competent authority at least two weeks before commencement.

Anyone wishing to carry out animal experiments must appoint an animal welfare officer and notify the competent authority.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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