responsibility finder

Vocational training: monitoring of stays abroad

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

The Chamber responsible for vocational training supervises the implementation of stays abroad during the training.

According to § 2 sec. 3 of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), parts of the vocational training can be carried out abroad if this serves the training objective. The total duration of the stay abroad should not exceed a quarter of the duration of the training specified in the training regulations.

The competent authority (e.B. the respective chamber) supervises and promotes the implementation of stays abroad in an appropriate manner. If the duration of a training period abroad is more than four weeks, a plan agreed with the competent authority is required. Therefore, the competent authority should be informed about the stay abroad.

Foreign educational qualifications and periods of professional activity abroad are also taken into account when admission to the examination.

Who should I contact?

To the Chamber responsible for vocational training. This can be:

  • the Chamber of Crafts (HWK) for vocational training in occupations of the Crafts Code,
  • the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for vocational training in non-craft trades,
  • the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural housekeeping professions,
  • the Chamber of Lawyers, Patent Attorneys and Notaries as well as the Notary Fund for the Vocational Training of Specialists in the Administration of Justice,
  • the Chamber of Auditors and the Chamber of Tax Consultants for the vocational training of specialist employees in the field of auditing and tax consulting,
  • the Chamber of Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians and Pharmacists for the vocational training of specialists in the field of health professions.

Further responsibilities, e.B. for positions in the field of public service as well as churches and other religious communities, are regulated in §§ 72 - 75 of the Federal Education Act (BBiG).

Legal basis

§§ 2, 76 Abs. 3 Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBiG).

What else should I know?

Since, according to the Vocational Training Act, the stay abroad can be an integral part of the training, i.e. the training relationship continues during this period, trainees also receive their training allowance during their stay abroad.
For the period of their stay abroad, the trainees must apply for a leave of absence from compulsory vocational education at their respective vocational school in Germany. However, the missed vocational school material must be made up for by the trainees themselves.
If trainees are sent abroad as part of a stay abroad, the protection of German social insurance usually continues to exist within the EU. For countries outside the EU, this only applies if there is a corresponding agreement with Germany. The training company must submit an application to the health insurance company in order to have the posting and the validity for the respective country certified.

Further information can also be found on the website of the IHK Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


The Chamber responsible for vocational training supervises the implementation of stays abroad during the training.

Who should I contact?

To the Chamber responsible for vocational training. This can be:

  • the Chamber of Crafts (HWK) for vocational training in occupations of the Crafts Code,
  • the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) for vocational training in non-craft trades,
  • the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural housekeeping professions,
  • the Chamber of Lawyers, Patent Attorneys and Notaries as well as the Notary Fund for the Vocational Training of Specialists in the Administration of Justice,
  • the Chamber of Auditors and the Chamber of Tax Consultants for the vocational training of specialist employees in the field of auditing and tax consulting,
  • the Chamber of Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians and Pharmacists for the vocational training of specialists in the field of health professions.

Further responsibilities, e.B. for positions in the field of public service as well as churches and other religious communities, are regulated in §§ 72 - 75 of the Federal Education Act (BBiG).

Legal basis

§§ 2, 76 Abs. 3 Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBiG).

What else should I know?

Since, according to the Vocational Training Act, the stay abroad can be an integral part of the training, i.e. the training relationship continues during this period, trainees also receive their training allowance during their stay abroad.
For the period of their stay abroad, the trainees must apply for a leave of absence from compulsory vocational education at their respective vocational school in Germany. However, the missed vocational school material must be made up for by the trainees themselves.
If trainees are sent abroad as part of a stay abroad, the protection of German social insurance usually continues to exist within the EU. For countries outside the EU, this only applies if there is a corresponding agreement with Germany. The training company must submit an application to the health insurance company in order to have the posting and the validity for the respective country certified.

Further information can also be found on the website of the IHK Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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