responsibility finder

Tree care, pruning

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Between 1 March and 30 September of each year, only gentle plant care pruning is allowed.

You want to prune the trees in your garden or prune your hedge?

Gentle shape and care cuts to eliminate the growth of the plants or to keep trees healthy can be carried out all year round without a permit. However, you should make sure that this work does not violate the access prohibition of § 44 Abs. 1 Nr. 1-3 Gesetz über Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (Federal Nature Conservation Act - BNatSchG). This means that the work must not injure or kill animals of specially protected species, cause significant disturbances during their reproduction, rearing, moulting, wintering and migratory periods, or destroy their breeding and resting places.
Especially with old trees, special caution is therefore required before carrying out care measures. Due to their advanced ecological development, these are particularly suitable as habitats for many species. Tree hollows, crevices and cracks in the trunk and bark, for example, can be an indication of the occurrence of cave-nesting birds, bats or rare insects.

Further care measures, such as cutting off a tree completely or more strongly / placing it on the hive, are only permitted outside the grace period from 1 March to 30 September determined by the Federal Nature Conservation Act.

But: Not all trees are the same! Special regulations apply to Knicks as a legally protected biotope.

Who should I contact?

To your district or your independent city (Lower Nature Conservation Authorities).

Which documents are required?

•Site plans
• Information necessary for the appraisal of the project.

Please ask the responsible office which documents are specifically required before submitting your application.

What are the fees?

Fees may apply. Further information can be obtained from the competent authority.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

For reasons of species protection, the Federal Nature Conservation Act provides for the protection of trees, hedges, living fences, bushes and other woody plants that are outside the forest, short rotation plantations or horticultural areas - including private gardens (home gardens, allotments). They may not be cut off or placed on the stick in the period from 01 March to 30 September.

However, gentle shape and care cuts are also permitted during this time to eliminate the growth of woody plants and to maintain the health of trees.

Legal basis

§§ 39, 44 Law on Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (Federal Nature Conservation Act - BNatSchG).

What else should I know?

Further information can be found on the websites of the state government of Schleswig-Holstein and the Schleswig-Holstein Nature Conservation Foundation.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Between 1 March and 30 September of each year, only gentle plant care pruning is allowed.

Who should I contact?

To your district or your independent city (Lower Nature Conservation Authorities).

Which documents are required?

•Site plans
• Information necessary for the appraisal of the project.

Please ask the responsible office which documents are specifically required before submitting your application.

What are the fees?

Fees may apply. Further information can be obtained from the competent authority.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

For reasons of species protection, the Federal Nature Conservation Act provides for the protection of trees, hedges, living fences, bushes and other woody plants that are outside the forest, short rotation plantations or horticultural areas - including private gardens (home gardens, allotments). They may not be cut off or placed on the stick in the period from 01 March to 30 September.

However, gentle shape and care cuts are also permitted during this time to eliminate the growth of woody plants and to maintain the health of trees.

Legal basis

§§ 39, 44 Law on Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (Federal Nature Conservation Act - BNatSchG).

What else should I know?

Further information can be found on the websites of the state government of Schleswig-Holstein and the Schleswig-Holstein Nature Conservation Foundation.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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