Motor vehicle: Regulatory offenses - warning fine / fine
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Minor offenses in road traffic can be punished with a warning, minor offenses with a fine.
Administrative offenses in road traffic pursuant to Sections 24, 24a and 24c of the Road Traffic Act (StVG) are prosecuted and punished in accordance with the procedural provisions of the (Federal) Administrative Offenses Act (OWiG) and on the basis of the Federal Ordinance on Fines (BKatV).
The amount of the warning or fine depends on the type and severity of the traffic offense:
Warning fine:
In the case of minor offenses, the administrative authority can issue a warning to the person concerned and levy a warning fine of 5.00 to 55.00 euros.
Traffic offenses that are not minor can be punished with a fine of 60.00 euros or more. When a fine is issued, fees and expenses are also due. Final decisions for an administrative offense under §§ 24, 24a and 24c StVG are usually entered in the driving aptitude register at the Federal Motor Transport Authority if the person concerned has been banned from driving under § 25 StVG or a fine of at least 60.00 euros has been imposed.
Minor offenses in road traffic can be punished with a warning, minor offenses with a fine.
Who should I contact?
To the district or independent city (public order office).
The mayors of municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants (or other municipalities defined by state law) are responsible for fines imposed for violations of "stopping and parking" regulations.
What are the fees?
Administrative fees and expenses are due when a fine is issued.
Legal basis
What else should I know?
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