responsibility finder

Apply for funding for renewable heating and cooling supplies

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you implement projects with renewable heating and cooling supplies and establish energy-efficient, intelligent heating networks, in particular with solar and geothermal energy as well as industrial waste heat, you can receive funding under certain conditions.

If you would like to implement and support projects in the field of renewable heating and cooling supply across all properties and want to establish energy-efficient, intelligent heating networks, in particular using solar thermal energy, geothermal energy and industrial waste heat, you can receive funding under certain conditions.

In order to achieve the climate targets, high investments in new heat supply systems are required, particularly for the conversion of the energy supply to greenhouse gas-neutral technologies, which are to be promoted with this directive.
In future, heat generation is to be based on renewable energies. Heat storage systems and intelligent heating networks can provide the necessary infrastructure for the transition to heat supply with renewable energies and facilitate the gradual switch to greenhouse gas-neutral energy sources.

This directive is intended to support and incentivize these investments.

Process flow
  • Service account application (company account)
  • Online application or paper application
  • You submit a funding application to Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein.
  • It is recommended that you seek advice from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein beforehand.
  • Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein will check the application and request any missing documents or information.
  • Once a complete application has been submitted, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein will decide whether to approve the funding.
  • The appropriateness of the costs will be determined on the basis of the requirements as part of a technical assessment.
  • There is no legal entitlement to funding.
  • A project can only be started before funding is approved if you apply for an early start to the measure and this is approved by Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein.
Who should I contact?

Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein

  • The project must not have been started yet.
  • The project should make contributions in the areas of equality, non-discrimination and sustainable development.
  • The overall financing of the project must be secured.
  • The project must be carried out in Schleswig-Holstein.
  • The project must achieve CO2 savings compared to a conventional solution.
  • The project must contribute to the cross-cutting objectives of the European Regional Development Fund program.
  • Your project must be a network that supplies third parties (at least 10 connections).
  • In your project, the network must not exceed a maximum temperature level of 95° C.
  • In your project, the calculated heat losses for new networks and the actual heat losses of the existing network must not exceed 20 percent.
  • At least 75 percent of the heat sources used in the project (heating network) must consist of renewable energies or waste heat or a combination of both.
  • Both the network and the system can be funded separately or in combination.
  • A part of a network that can be precisely defined and is newly developed can also be considered a new network. This can have a connection to an existing heating network.
  • The project must meet the above-mentioned general requirements for a heating network for the entire network. If only a definable sub-network is to be funded, the requirements must only be met by this sub-network.
Which documents are required?
  • Project description
  • Cost and financing plan
  • Scoring table - contributions to the cross-cutting objectives
What are the fees?

Administration fee: free of charge

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

We recommend seeking advice from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein before submitting an application. The application must be submitted before the start of the project. The project may not be started without approval.

Processing duration

Processing takes at least 1-2 months, but can regularly take several months.

Legal basis

You can lodge an objection and appeal to the administrative court.

What else should I know?

The beneficiaries are bound to fulfill the conditions associated with the funding and the purpose of the grant for a certain period of time (earmarking).

The earmarking period is up to 30 years, depending on the type and design of the respective project, and is specified in the grant notification.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you implement projects with renewable heating and cooling supplies and establish energy-efficient, intelligent heating networks, in particular with solar and geothermal energy as well as industrial waste heat, you can receive funding under certain conditions.

Process flow

  • Service account application (company account)
  • Online application or paper application
  • You submit a funding application to Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein.
  • It is recommended that you seek advice from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein beforehand.
  • Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein will check the application and request any missing documents or information.
  • Once a complete application has been submitted, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein will decide whether to approve the funding.
  • The appropriateness of the costs will be determined on the basis of the requirements as part of a technical assessment.
  • There is no legal entitlement to funding.
  • A project can only be started before funding is approved if you apply for an early start to the measure and this is approved by Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein.

Who should I contact?

Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein


  • The project must not have been started yet.
  • The project should make contributions in the areas of equality, non-discrimination and sustainable development.
  • The overall financing of the project must be secured.
  • The project must be carried out in Schleswig-Holstein.
  • The project must achieve CO2 savings compared to a conventional solution.
  • The project must contribute to the cross-cutting objectives of the European Regional Development Fund program.
  • Your project must be a network that supplies third parties (at least 10 connections).
  • In your project, the network must not exceed a maximum temperature level of 95° C.
  • In your project, the calculated heat losses for new networks and the actual heat losses of the existing network must not exceed 20 percent.
  • At least 75 percent of the heat sources used in the project (heating network) must consist of renewable energies or waste heat or a combination of both.
  • Both the network and the system can be funded separately or in combination.
  • A part of a network that can be precisely defined and is newly developed can also be considered a new network. This can have a connection to an existing heating network.
  • The project must meet the above-mentioned general requirements for a heating network for the entire network. If only a definable sub-network is to be funded, the requirements must only be met by this sub-network.

Which documents are required?

  • Project description
  • Cost and financing plan
  • Scoring table - contributions to the cross-cutting objectives

What are the fees?

Administration fee: free of charge

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

We recommend seeking advice from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein before submitting an application. The application must be submitted before the start of the project. The project may not be started without approval.

Processing duration

Processing takes at least 1-2 months, but can regularly take several months.

Legal basis


You can lodge an objection and appeal to the administrative court.

What else should I know?

The beneficiaries are bound to fulfill the conditions associated with the funding and the purpose of the grant for a certain period of time (earmarking).

The earmarking period is up to 30 years, depending on the type and design of the respective project, and is specified in the grant notification.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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