Corruption / Corruption prevention: Receiving information
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Corruption is the abuse of a position of trust in a function in business, administration or politics.
Corruption is the abuse of a position of trust in a function in business, administration or politics in order to obtain a material or immaterial advantage to which there is no legally justified entitlement. Corruption refers to bribery and corruptibility, accepting advantages and granting advantages.
In Germany, these criminal offenses are regulated in Sections 331 et seq. German Criminal Code (StGB) if so-called public officials are involved. In business dealings, Sections 299 et seq. StGB are relevant.
Bribery and corruption of public officials is governed by Section 108e StGB.
The Act to Combat Corruption in the Healthcare Sector introduced the criminal offenses of bribery and corruption in the healthcare sector. These are regulated in Section 299a and Section 299b StGB.
Corruption is the abuse of a position of trust in a function in business, administration or politics.
Who should I contact?
- Anti-Corruption Commissioner of the State of Schleswig-Holstein,
- Public prosecutor's offices in Schleswig-Holstein,
- Police stations in Schleswig-Holstein,
- Online watch of the Schleswig-Holstein state police.
Which documents are required?
The following documents would be helpful:
- Descriptions of events that you have experienced or witnessed,
- media (e.g. photographs) or also
- documents, protocols, drawings, notifications from authorities.
What else should I know?
Further information can also be found
- in the directive "Preventing and combating corruption in the state administration of Schleswig-Holstein" (Anti-Corruption Directive Schl.-H.),
- in the decree "Prohibition of the acceptance of rewards, gifts and other benefits for employees of the state of Schleswig-Holstein" (Decree SH) and the explanatory notes and implementing provisions to the decree as well as
- in the decrees and information sheets of the respective authority
- or on the website of the state government of Schleswig-Holstein.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.