responsibility finder

Place of residence - registration of the sole or main residence

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Anyone moving into an apartment must register with the registration office at their place of residence within two weeks.

Anyone moving into an apartment must register with the registration office at their place of residence within two weeks. For persons under the age of 16, the person with whom the minor is moving in is responsible for fulfilling the registration obligation.

Anyone moving into a new home must register with the registration office at their place of residence within two weeks. This also applies to so-called relocation within your city, municipality or office. The registration obligation applies regardless of whether the person subject to the registration obligation is entitled to use the apartment or whether or not they have the required residence permit. Registration must be carried out in person or by an authorized person. Electronic registration via an online service is possible if the registration authority offers this service and the person required to register has a government document with an eID function (ID card, electronic residence permit or the eID card for EU citizens).

Anyone who is registered in Germany and moves into an apartment for a stay of no longer than six months does not have to register or deregister for this apartment. Anyone who has not moved out of this apartment after six months must register with the registration office within two weeks. For persons who otherwise live abroad and are not registered in Germany, this obligation applies after three months.

A dwelling within the meaning of the Registration Act

  • is any enclosed space that is used for living or sleeping,
  • accommodation on board a Bundeswehr ship,
  • weekend houses, shared accommodation, sublet rooms and pure sleeping quarters that are used at least occasionally for living or sleeping. Size and condition are irrelevant.

Caravansandmobile homesare only to be regarded as dwellings if they are not moved or are only moved occasionally.

If you haveseveral dwellings in Germany, one of these dwellings is the main residence and the others are secondary residences. The main residence is the home that is predominantly used and, in the case of spouses, the home that is predominantly used jointly.

Anyone moving onto aninland waterway vesselthat is registered in a ship register in Germany must register with the registration authority in the ship's home town. Owners of a seagoing vessel that is entitled to fly the federal flag must register the captain and crew members of the vessel with the registration authority at the shipowner's registered office at the start of the employment, wages or training relationship.

When registering in person, the so-calledpre-filled registration form in accordance with Section 23 (3) of the Federal Registration Act is used. You no longer have to fill in the registration form yourself, but after entering your identification data (surname, first name, date of birth and your previous address), your data will be retrieved from the previous registration authority and transferred to the registration form. All you have to do is check the details, correct them if necessary and sign the registration form. This applies accordingly to electronic registration in accordance with § 23a paragraph.

You will receive a one-off official confirmation of your registration.

The landlord/landlady is involved in the registration process at the registration office. For this reason, the person subject to registration must be issued with alandlord's confirmation of residenceso that they can comply with their legal obligation to register within two weeks of moving in. When registering the new place of residence, this landlord's confirmation of residence must be presented to the registration office (the tenancy agreement is not sufficient). If the person subject to registration is moving into their own property, a self-declaration must be submitted when registering.

If a minor who previously lived with both parents in a main residence is re-registered by one parent in a new main residence, the consent of the other parent is not required. If the parents have a written agreement on the child's place of residence or a family court decision on the transfer of the sole right of residence, as well as proof of attendance at a day care center or school, these should be presented in order to provide proof of the child's legal registration. The same applies if the minor's sole or main residence is to be transferred from the home of one parent to the home of the other parent. From the age of 16, the minor child can register independently and without the consent of a person with custody.

Process flow

Electronic registration

  • You can register completely electronically from home.

Personal registration on site

  • You appear in person at the registration office responsible for you or are represented by a person with power of attorney.
  • You present all the necessary documents.
  • You will then receive an official confirmation of registration of your main residence from the registration office.
Who should I contact?

To your municipal, local or city administration (Bürgerbüro, formerly: Einwohnermeldeamt).


You have moved into a new main residence in Germany.

Which documents are required?
  • Confirmation of residence,
  • Identity card, temporary identity card, replacement identity card, recognized and valid passport or corresponding passport replacement document (§ 23 para. 1 BMG),
  • In the case of registration by an authorized person, additionally the hand-signed power of attorney of the person subject to registration and one of the above-mentioned identity documents of the authorized person.
  • Additionally, if you are moving from abroad:

  • Marriage certificate, if applicable,
  • for children: Birth certificate.
  • Additionally for foreign documents: A translation of the documents by a state-recognized translator (the original document and translation must be submitted).

What are the fees?

Registration, including the issuing of the official confirmation of registration, is free of charge.

Late registrations may be subject to a fine.

Administration fee: free of charge

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Application deadline: 2 Weeks
You must register your new place of residence within 2 weeks of moving into your new home.

Processing duration

Registrations are usually processed immediately.

Legal basis
  • Opposition
  • Action for annulment
  • Compulsory action
What else should I know?

You have the right to object to the transfer of your data to certain recipients or to the establishment of an information block in the event of danger to life and limb. Your registration office will provide you with the relevant information.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Anyone moving into an apartment must register with the registration office at their place of residence within two weeks.

Process flow

Electronic registration

  • You can register completely electronically from home.

Personal registration on site

  • You appear in person at the registration office responsible for you or are represented by a person with power of attorney.
  • You present all the necessary documents.
  • You will then receive an official confirmation of registration of your main residence from the registration office.

Who should I contact?

To your municipal, local or city administration (Bürgerbüro, formerly: Einwohnermeldeamt).


You have moved into a new main residence in Germany.

Which documents are required?

  • Confirmation of residence,
  • Identity card, temporary identity card, replacement identity card, recognized and valid passport or corresponding passport replacement document (§ 23 para. 1 BMG),
  • In the case of registration by an authorized person, additionally the hand-signed power of attorney of the person subject to registration and one of the above-mentioned identity documents of the authorized person.
  • Additionally, if you are moving from abroad:

  • Marriage certificate, if applicable,
  • for children: Birth certificate.
  • Additionally for foreign documents: A translation of the documents by a state-recognized translator (the original document and translation must be submitted).

What are the fees?

Registration, including the issuing of the official confirmation of registration, is free of charge.

Late registrations may be subject to a fine.

Administration fee: free of charge

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Application deadline: 2 Weeks
You must register your new place of residence within 2 weeks of moving into your new home.

Processing duration

Registrations are usually processed immediately.

Legal basis


  • Opposition
  • Action for annulment
  • Compulsory action

What else should I know?

You have the right to object to the transfer of your data to certain recipients or to the establishment of an information block in the event of danger to life and limb. Your registration office will provide you with the relevant information.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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