Declare withdrawal from a theoretical examination for aviation personnel
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Have you registered for an examination with the Federal Aviation Office? Withdrawal is possible on request if you can present a valid reason.
You can use the declaration of withdrawal to withdraw from an examination session that has already been requested from the Federal Aviation Office. The declaration of withdrawal is intended for aviation personnel.
Withdrawal is possible for reasons of illness or other valid reasons (e.g. death in the family or illness of a child).
The Luftfahrt-Bundesamt will check whether you meet all the necessary requirements and have all the required documents and evidence.
After the Federal Office of Civil Aviation has processed the declaration of withdrawal, you will receive a notification of rejection or acceptance of the withdrawal. Depending on whether the withdrawal is accepted or rejected, the examination paper applied for is deemed to be "excused" or "unexcused".
Have you registered for an examination with the Federal Aviation Office? Withdrawal is possible on request if you can present a valid reason.
Process flow
To withdraw from an examination session that has already been requested, please proceed as follows:
- Go to the federal portal and complete the online application.
- You can upload your documents directly.
- Once the declaration has been received, the Federal Office of Civil Aviation will process the documents. A notification will then be sent digitally to your mailbox.
- Alternatively: Fill in the withdrawal form on the website of the Federal Office of Civil Aviation and send it by post, fax or e-mail to the address provided. When sending by e-mail, the handwritten signature must be recognizable, for example as a PDF attachment.
Competent authority
German Federal Aviation Authority (LBA)
- Withdrawal from a requested examination session is only possible for valid reasons.
- Withdrawal must be notified within 3 calendar days of examination date
- Withdrawal must be declared within 3 calendar days
- You must provide sufficient evidence of your inability to take the examination no later than 5 calendar days after receipt of the declaration of withdrawal.
- In the event of illness, please submit all original supporting documents by post.
Which documents are required?
- Proof, for example a medical certificate
- in the case of representation: proof of authorization to represent you
You can find out which documents are required in your case on the withdrawal form.
What are the fees?
There are no costs.
Contribution: free of charge
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Application deadline: 3 Daysafter examination date
Processing duration
Processing time: 3 - 7 DaysA declaration of withdrawal can only be processed and thus taken into account after the written evidence described has been received by the deadline. The examination certificate will be issued shortly after the application has been submitted.
Legal basis
You will find further information on how to lodge an objection in the notification of your application
What else should I know?
- Please note that a certificate of incapacity for work (AU) is not recognized.
- Information on aviation personnel on the website of the Federal Aviation Office
- Information on the theoretical examination for aviation personnel on the website of the Federal Aviation Office
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the theoretical examination for aviation personnel on the website of the Federal Aviation Office
Luftfahrt-Bundesamt (LBA)
Forwarding service: deep link to the original portal
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.