responsibility finder

Submit notification of futility due to insufficient cooperation of contractual parties

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you were unable to enter the identification number of a contract person, you must submit a futility report.

The purpose of submitting the futility report is to combat tax evasion.

As a credit institution, you have 3 months from the start of the business relationship with the contracting person to record the identification number.
If you were unable to record the identification number, you must submit the following information to the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt):

  • Personal details and
  • details of the address

of each authorized signatory and beneficial owner.

You are obliged to provide the above-mentioned information in order to maintain the accuracy of your accounts. Truth in accounts applies to every person who wishes to hold an account, keep valuables in safekeeping or provide a safe deposit box.

You submit the declaration of futility via an electronic reporting procedure provided by the BZSt.

If you hold a credit account and the credit is only for the

  • financing of private consumer goods and
  • the credit limit does not exceed the amount of EUR 12,000,

you do not need to determine the identification number.

Process flow

You must submit the declaration of futility to the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) via an electronic reporting procedure.

  • Apply for authorization to use the tax deduction procedure for church tax.
  • Enter all the required information in the registration file.
  • Send the registration file to the BZSt. The BZSt will check your registration file.
  • The BZSt confirms the successful transmission of the registration file by means of a response file.

You use the authorization for the tax deduction procedure for church tax to transmit the futility report; you do not need a separate authorization for the "Truth in Accounts" procedure. A reference to the required use of the "true accounts" procedure is sufficient.

Who should I contact?

A futility report must be submitted:

  • Credit institutions
    • which were unable to record or determine the identification number of the contracting person by the end of the 3rd month after the start of the business relationship
Which documents are required?
  • none
What are the fees?
  • none
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Submission of the futility report: by the end of February of the following year

The notification of futility must also be submitted by the end of February of the following year if the account is opened in December.

Processing duration
  • for processing the notification: immediately after technical verification
Legal basis
Applications / forms
  • Forms: no
  • Online procedure possible: yes
  • Written form required: no
  • Personal appearance: no

The futility report is submitted via the electronic reporting procedure of the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt).

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you were unable to enter the identification number of a contract person, you must submit a futility report.

Process flow

You must submit the declaration of futility to the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt) via an electronic reporting procedure.

  • Apply for authorization to use the tax deduction procedure for church tax.
  • Enter all the required information in the registration file.
  • Send the registration file to the BZSt. The BZSt will check your registration file.
  • The BZSt confirms the successful transmission of the registration file by means of a response file.

You use the authorization for the tax deduction procedure for church tax to transmit the futility report; you do not need a separate authorization for the "Truth in Accounts" procedure. A reference to the required use of the "true accounts" procedure is sufficient.

Who should I contact?


A futility report must be submitted:

  • Credit institutions
    • which were unable to record or determine the identification number of the contracting person by the end of the 3rd month after the start of the business relationship

Which documents are required?

  • none

What are the fees?

  • none

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Submission of the futility report: by the end of February of the following year

The notification of futility must also be submitted by the end of February of the following year if the account is opened in December.

Processing duration

  • for processing the notification: immediately after technical verification

Legal basis

Applications / forms

  • Forms: no
  • Online procedure possible: yes
  • Written form required: no
  • Personal appearance: no

The futility report is submitted via the electronic reporting procedure of the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt).


Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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