Submitting complaints about the basic account
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
If your bank rejects your application for a basic account, does not provide you with sufficient support when switching accounts or does not charge a standard market fee, you can lodge a complaint with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or initiate administrative proceedings.
One of BaFin's tasks is to ensure the protection of all consumers in its supervision of banks and financial service providers, private insurers and securities trading. You can therefore address your concerns to BaFin if you believe that a supervised company has violated the law and you would like to complain about this as a customer.
You can submit a complaint if a bank
- unlawfully refuses to open a basic account for you.
- does not comply with the obligation to help you switch accounts.
- charges an unreasonable fee for a basic account.
- unlawfully terminates your basic account.
Opening a basic account:
Since the introduction of the Payment Accounts Act (ZKG) in 2016, all consumers who are legally resident in the European Union are entitled to a basic account. Once you have submitted your application for a basic account, the bank must inform you in writing within 10 days that it does not wish to open a basic account for you.
If the bank has rejected your application to open a basic account, you can apply to BaFin for an administrative procedure.
BaFin will then check whether the bank was allowed to reject your application - which is only permitted under certain conditions. This is the case if:
- You already have a payment account with another bank in Germany and you can actually use this account,
- you have been convicted of an intentional criminal offense against the bank or one of its employees or one of its customers within the last 3 years before submitting the application,
- you already had a basic account with the same bank and the bank has justifiably terminated the basic account agreement due to late payment or use of the account for prohibited purposes, or
- by entering into and maintaining a business relationship with you, the bank would be in breach of its general due diligence obligations under the Money Laundering Act and the Banking Act or would be in breach of its confidentiality obligations when justifying the refusal.
- If there are no statutory grounds for refusal, BaFin will order the bank to open the account.
Account switching:
The ZKG also obliges banks to make it easier for you to switch accounts. At your request, the previous provider must transfer the standing orders and other services to the new provider. If the financial service providers do not comply with their obligation to provide statutory account switching assistance, you can report this to BaFin. It investigates complaints and works to ensure that any deficiencies are remedied.
Fee claim:
You can also lodge a complaint with BaFin in the event of an unreasonable fee claim. As the legislator has not set a maximum limit for the costs of a basic account, the prices for a basic account vary greatly. According to the ZKG, 2 criteria in particular must be taken into account when assessing appropriateness:
- the standard market fees
- and user behavior.
If BaFin determines that the pricing is unreasonable, it can instruct a bank to adjust its fee model for basic accounts to the requirements of the ZKG.
If your bank rejects your application for a basic account, does not provide you with sufficient support when switching accounts or does not charge a standard market fee, you can lodge a complaint with the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority or initiate administrative proceedings.
Process flow
You must apply in writing for administrative proceedings against your bank.
- Download the application form from the BaFin website and complete it in full.
- Send the signed application with the required documents to the address stated on the form.
- BaFin will confirm receipt of the application in writing. It will then check whether you meet the requirements for concluding a basic account agreement.
- If the bank has unjustifiably rejected your application, BaFin will order the opening of a basic account. You will receive written confirmation that the procedure has been completed.
- If your application is rejected by BaFin, you can lodge an appeal so that the decision can be reviewed again. Your bank can also lodge an appeal if BaFin orders that a basic account must be opened for you.
You can use the online complaints form for complaints about basic accounts.
- Go to the "Complain to BaFin" page.
- There you will find, among other things, BaFin's online complaint form "Complaint form specifically for basic accounts".
- Enter the relevant data for your complaint in the form.
Your complaint should contain the following information:
- Your name and address
- in the case of a complaint on behalf of another person: name and address of the person(s) concerned
- Name and address of the company concerned
in the case of a complaint about a credit or financial services institution:
- Type of business relationship
- Account or customer number
- Name of the account holder, if you are not the account holder yourself
- A bank has rejected your application for a basic account agreement, terminated your basic account, is charging you an unreasonable fee or is not helping you to switch accounts.
Which documents are required?
- Application to conclude a basic account contract
Letter from the bank about the rejection of your application
What are the fees?
The administrative procedure at BaFin is free of charge for you. However, you will have to pay for any expenses incurred in correspondence yourself. You will also not be reimbursed for legal fees or consultation fees.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Usually up to 3 months
Processing duration
It usually takes between 8 and 12 weeks to process the application.
Legal basis
§ Section 46 para. 2 sentence 1 ZKG in conjunction with § Section 4b FinDAG: Section 48 ZKG
- Civil action
- Opposition
Detailed information on how to lodge an objection can be found in the notification of your application for administrative proceedings.
Applications / forms
- Forms: yes
- Online procedure possible: yes
- Written form required: yes
- Personal appearance required: no
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
- Complaints relating to the ZKG (account switching assistance, basic account, fee transparency) Acceptance
Remark: Display of performance in the source portal