Deregistration of your insured employees' relatives (Mifas) from the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural old-age insurance fund
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Are your family members insured with the Landwirtschaftliche Krankenkasse and Alterskasse and no longer work full-time in your company? Then you must deregister these family members.
Your family members may be insured with the Agricultural Health Insurance Fund and Old-Age Fund as so-called "Mitarbeitende Familienangehörige" (Mifas). This is the case if they work full-time in your agricultural business.
If your family members no longer work at all or no longer work full-time in your company, they are no longer insured. In this case, it is important to deregister your family members with the agricultural health and old-age insurance fund.
These funds will then check whether the conditions for insurance have actually ceased to apply. They will also clarify any further insurance for your dependants. You may no longer have to pay contributions for your dependants.
A person you trust can also deregister your family members on your behalf. Please submit a corresponding power of attorney to your agricultural health insurance fund or old-age insurance fund. As long as the power of attorney is valid, your agricultural health insurance fund or old-age insurance fund will only contact the person you have authorized.
Are your family members insured with the Landwirtschaftliche Krankenkasse and Alterskasse and no longer work full-time in your company? Then you must deregister these family members.
Process flow
You can deregister your family members from the Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG) online, in writing, by telephone or in person. Please use the SVLFG's "Questionnaire for deregistration of employees' family members".
Deregister online via the SVLFG insurance portal:
- Go to the SVLFG insurance portal.
- Log in to the portal with your user ID or register to use the portal for the first time.
- Open the questionnaire and complete it. You will be guided through the process step by step.
Unsubscribe in writing by e-mail:
- You will find the questionnaire on the SVLFG website.
- Complete the questionnaire in full online. Print it out and sign it. Scan in the signed application.
- Compile the required additional documents and send the questionnaire together with your documents as file attachments by e-mail to the SVLFG.
Send your deregistration in writing by post or fax:
- Download the questionnaire from the SVLFG website or request it by telephone from the SVLFG. You will then receive the questionnaire by post.
- Complete the questionnaire in full and compile the other documents required.
- Send your completed and signed questionnaire with the required documents to the SVLFG by post or fax.
Notify deregistration by telephone:
- Call the SVLFG service number and ask to be put through to the person responsible for your case. They will answer your questions and send you the questionnaire.
- The next steps are the same as the procedure by post.
Notify deregistration in person during the consultation:
Put together the required documents and make an appointment with
- the agricultural health insurance fund,
- the agricultural pension fund or
- an SVLFG advice center.
- You fill out the questionnaire together with a member of staff at the respective office.
The SVLFG will check the requirements for the end of compulsory insurance after deregistration.
At the end of the procedure, you will receive notification that your employees' family members are no longer subject to compulsory insurance.
- The employment of your family members in your company ends.
- Or the work of your family members in your company is no longer their main occupation. Whether the work in the agricultural business is the main occupation depends on the so-called main occupation principles of the agricultural health insurance fund.
Which documents are required?
- The documents required in your case can be found on the application form
- if applicable, written proof, such as proof of health insurance cover with a statutory health insurance fund
in the case of deregistration by other persons:
- Power of attorney or
- Order of the court
What are the fees?
There are no costs.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The insurance obligation ends when the requirements cease to apply. You must deregister as soon as your family members no longer work in your company.
Processing duration
If all required documents are available, a decision usually follows within 2 weeks.
Processing time: 2 Weeks
Legal basis
- You can lodge an appeal against the decision on the end of compulsory insurance within one month of being notified. Abroad, the deadline is 3 months.
If the appeal is not successful, you can take legal action before the social court.
Applications / forms
Forms: yes
Online procedure possible: no
Written form required: yes
Personal appearance required: no
- Information on compulsory insurance with the Agricultural Pension Fund (LAK) on the website of the Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG)
- Information on compulsory insurance with the Agricultural Health Insurance Fund (LKK) on the website of the Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG)
Social Insurance for Agriculture, Forestry and Horticulture (SVLFG)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
- Deregistration of employee family members (Mifa) from the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and agricultural old-age insurance fund Deregistration
Remark: Display of performance in the source portal