responsibility finder

Show retraining relationship

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Before the start of retraining, you as the retraining body must notify the competent body of this measure. In the case of comparable examination certificates, the candidate may be exempted from individual examination components by the competent body.

Retraining serves the purpose of vocational reorientation. They are generally carried out on the basis of recognized training occupations and must therefore be monitored by the bodies responsible for these occupations, for example chambers of industry and commerce, chambers of skilled trades and other professional chambers.

As the sponsor of a retraining measure, you must notify the competent body before it begins. In the case of comparable examination certificates, the candidate can be exempted from individual examination components by the competent body.

The obligation to notify extends to the essential content of the retraining relationship.

Process flow
  • As the training provider, you submit the retraining concept with the necessary retraining documents to the competent body before the retraining measure begins.
  • The competent body will review the retraining concept and the retraining contract.
  • The responsible office will inform you as the training provider of the result of the review of the retraining concept and, if necessary, combine this with a consultation.
Who should I contact?

Contact the chamber responsible for your vocational training. This can be

  • the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for vocational training in non-trade occupations,
  • the Chamber of Crafts for vocational training in professions under the Crafts Code,
  • the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural domestic professions
  • the Chamber of Lawyers, Patent Attorneys and Notaries as well as the Notary's Office for the vocational training of specialists in the field of law,
  • the Chamber of Auditors and the Chamber of Tax Consultants for the vocational training of professionals in the field of auditing and tax consultancy,
  • the Chambers of Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians and Pharmacists for the vocational training of healthcare professionals.

There are other competent bodies,for example for bodies in the area of public law and the churches.

  • The retraining course meets the special requirements of adult vocational training in terms of content, type, objective and duration.
  • Proof of the suitability of the retraining center and the personnel employed
  • The retraining concept submitted and the retraining contract to be concluded in this regard comply with the content of the training regulations and the training framework plan.
Which documents are required?
  • Retraining concept based on the training framework plan
  • Contract transcript (if a retraining contract has been concluded)
  • Proof of comparable examinations (if the candidate has taken comparable examinations within 10 years)
What are the fees?

Fee: 0,00 - 100,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
The fee is based on the respective fee regulations of the regional authorities responsible.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

As the person undergoing retraining, you must notify the competent body in writing of the vocational retraining prior to the start of the measure.

Processing duration

Processing time: 4 - 6 Weeks

Legal basis
  • There are no legal remedies against the obligation to notify
  • If the competent authority subsequently prohibits you from carrying out the retraining:
    • Depending on the federal state: Appeal; detailed information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in your notification
    • Administrative court action


Before the start of retraining, you as the retraining body must notify the competent body of this measure. In the case of comparable examination certificates, the candidate may be exempted from individual examination components by the competent body.

Process flow

  • As the training provider, you submit the retraining concept with the necessary retraining documents to the competent body before the retraining measure begins.
  • The competent body will review the retraining concept and the retraining contract.
  • The responsible office will inform you as the training provider of the result of the review of the retraining concept and, if necessary, combine this with a consultation.

Who should I contact?

Contact the chamber responsible for your vocational training. This can be

  • the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for vocational training in non-trade occupations,
  • the Chamber of Crafts for vocational training in professions under the Crafts Code,
  • the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural domestic professions
  • the Chamber of Lawyers, Patent Attorneys and Notaries as well as the Notary's Office for the vocational training of specialists in the field of law,
  • the Chamber of Auditors and the Chamber of Tax Consultants for the vocational training of professionals in the field of auditing and tax consultancy,
  • the Chambers of Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians and Pharmacists for the vocational training of healthcare professionals.

There are other competent bodies,for example for bodies in the area of public law and the churches.


  • The retraining course meets the special requirements of adult vocational training in terms of content, type, objective and duration.
  • Proof of the suitability of the retraining center and the personnel employed
  • The retraining concept submitted and the retraining contract to be concluded in this regard comply with the content of the training regulations and the training framework plan.

Which documents are required?

  • Retraining concept based on the training framework plan
  • Contract transcript (if a retraining contract has been concluded)
  • Proof of comparable examinations (if the candidate has taken comparable examinations within 10 years)

What are the fees?

Fee: 0,00 - 100,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
The fee is based on the respective fee regulations of the regional authorities responsible.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

As the person undergoing retraining, you must notify the competent body in writing of the vocational retraining prior to the start of the measure.

Processing duration

Processing time: 4 - 6 Weeks

Legal basis


  • There are no legal remedies against the obligation to notify
  • If the competent authority subsequently prohibits you from carrying out the retraining:
    • Depending on the federal state: Appeal; detailed information on how to lodge an appeal can be found in your notification
    • Administrative court action

Further information and offers