responsibility finder

Submit a request to use archive material

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you would like to view or use archive material from different periods of German history in the Federal Archives, you will need an approved application for use.

In the Federal Archives (BArch) you will find archive material on German history since the time of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. If you would like to use the archive material, you must submit an application for use.

By signing the application, you undertake to comply with the Federal Archives Act, the Regulations on the Use of Archives and the Ordinance on Fees. In the application you state the subject and purpose of your research. Any person can submit an application for use.

The archive material will either be presented to you in the original or as a copy, given to you as a copy, or you will be provided with information about the content.

The archive material includes documents of all kinds, for example

  • files,
  • letters,
  • original copies of laws and ordinances,
  • maps,
  • pictures,
  • posters,
  • films and
  • sound recordings in analog and digital form.

These documents were created by central civil and military authorities

  • of the Holy Roman Empire (1495-1806),
  • the German Confederation (1815-1866),
  • the German Reich (1867/71-1945),
  • the occupation zones (1945-1949),
  • the German Democratic Republic (1949-1990),
  • the Federal Republic of Germany (since 1949),
  • other authorities,
  • parties (e.g. SED) and mass organizations as well as
  • outstanding personalities of German history (estates).

According to the Federal Archives Act, archive records may only be used after the statutory retention periods have expired:

  • Archive material that was created less than 30 years ago is generally blocked for use.
  • For archive records containing personal data, the protection period runs until 10 years after the death of the person concerned. This period generally does not apply to persons of contemporary history or public officials in the exercise of their office.
  • Documents that are subject to confidentiality regulations may be used at the earliest 60 years after their creation.
  • Under certain conditions, the protection periods may be shortened or extended.
  • After the periods have expired, interests worthy of protection may prevent or restrict use.
  • In order to protect public interests and other interests worthy of protection, use may be subject to conditions.

Process flow

You can apply to use federal archive material on site in the reading room, by post, by e-mail or online.

Application in the reading room:

  • You can also complete the application directly on site at the Federal Archives. However, you should register in advance by telephone or e-mail.

Application by post or e-mail:

  • Fill in the application form. State the subject and purpose of use as precisely as possible.
  • Formulate a written request in which you describe your request as precisely as possible so that staff at the Federal Archives (BArch) can give you specific recommendations for your research.
  • For personal research, names, dates of birth and other details are required to identify or locate archive records.
  • As a rule, you search for archive records yourself using the invenio search application. If necessary, you can also commission a search by the Federal Archives. Additional forms are required for this, for example "Request for a search for documents on military personnel".
  • Send the completed and signed request for use and your additional information for the research to the Federal Archives.
  • If you are conducting research on behalf of another person, you must also submit a signed application from that person.
  • The Federal Archives will check whether archival material is available in the Federal Archives for your subject and purpose and under what conditions or requirements it can be made accessible.
  • You will receive written information on the result of the examination, further information and advice on use and possible costs. If necessary, you will be asked for further information.
  • If fees are incurred, you will receive a fee notice once your request has been processed.

Online application:

  • Go to the website of the federal portal and call up the online form. The online form will guide you step by step through the required information and documents.
  • Upload the required documents and submit the application.
  • The remaining steps are the same as the procedure by post or e-mail.

It may not be possible to freely choose the type of use due to important reasons, which is why an on-site inspection is necessary. You can be represented. The person representing you must also complete an application form and submit a power of attorney issued and signed by you.


You do not need to fulfill any further requirements to submit an application for use. Every person has the right to use archive material on request.

Which documents are required?
  • Application for use
  • A written request in which you describe your request: This will enable staff at the Federal Archives to give you specific recommendations for your research and to provide you with finding aids and archive material during a visit to the reading room. Depending on the purpose of use or the type of archive item you are looking for, you may need additional documents, for example
    • Identity card or passport (original or copy)
    • Power of attorney
    • Birth or death certificates

Declarations of commitment for the use of archive records Declaration of consent by a data subject

What are the fees?

The following are free of charge

  • simple information
  • Use of archive and library material in the reading room without special effort
  • Information, investigation and provision for scientific purposes in the public interest with limited expenditure of time
  • Requests to safeguard legitimate personal interests in order to assert pension, maintenance, inheritance or other legal claims
  • Exercising the rights of data subjects under the Federal Archives Act
  • in the case of manifestly unfounded requests or in the case of frequent repetition of requests by a data subject, a processing fee may be charged or the processing of the request may be refused

Fees are charged for

  • Processing of requests,
  • special expenses incurred during the provision,
  • Use of images and posters as well as film and video material, e.g. depiction, reproduction, presentation, further use, display on the Internet

The usage fees depend on the scope of the requested service. They depend, for example, on the usage fee per image or film or second of a film excerpt, circulation, number of copies, reach, duration of use or similar or the requested purpose of use.

Fee: 20,00 - 30,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
Between EUR 20.00 and EUR 30.00 per hour for processing inquiries.

Fee: 20,00 - 70,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
For the provision of archive material EUR 20.00 to EUR 70.00 per hour.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Objection deadline: 1 Month
Appeals against administrative decisions, e.g. refusal of use or the setting of fees, may be lodged within one month of notification.

Processing duration

Processing time: 2 - 4 Weeks
The processing of personal information, especially on the First and Second World Wars, can take considerably longer due to the large number of requests.

Legal basis
  • Objection
  • You can lodge an objection to this decision within one month of notification. Note: It is currently only possible to submit an objection to the Federal Archives in electronic form as an electronic document using DE-Mail.
What else should I know?

A separate application is required for the use of audiovisual archive material, images, posters, sound recordings and films.


Federal Archives (BArch)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you would like to view or use archive material from different periods of German history in the Federal Archives, you will need an approved application for use.

Process flow

You can apply to use federal archive material on site in the reading room, by post, by e-mail or online.

Application in the reading room:

  • You can also complete the application directly on site at the Federal Archives. However, you should register in advance by telephone or e-mail.

Application by post or e-mail:

  • Fill in the application form. State the subject and purpose of use as precisely as possible.
  • Formulate a written request in which you describe your request as precisely as possible so that staff at the Federal Archives (BArch) can give you specific recommendations for your research.
  • For personal research, names, dates of birth and other details are required to identify or locate archive records.
  • As a rule, you search for archive records yourself using the invenio search application. If necessary, you can also commission a search by the Federal Archives. Additional forms are required for this, for example "Request for a search for documents on military personnel".
  • Send the completed and signed request for use and your additional information for the research to the Federal Archives.
  • If you are conducting research on behalf of another person, you must also submit a signed application from that person.
  • The Federal Archives will check whether archival material is available in the Federal Archives for your subject and purpose and under what conditions or requirements it can be made accessible.
  • You will receive written information on the result of the examination, further information and advice on use and possible costs. If necessary, you will be asked for further information.
  • If fees are incurred, you will receive a fee notice once your request has been processed.

Online application:

  • Go to the website of the federal portal and call up the online form. The online form will guide you step by step through the required information and documents.
  • Upload the required documents and submit the application.
  • The remaining steps are the same as the procedure by post or e-mail.

It may not be possible to freely choose the type of use due to important reasons, which is why an on-site inspection is necessary. You can be represented. The person representing you must also complete an application form and submit a power of attorney issued and signed by you.


You do not need to fulfill any further requirements to submit an application for use. Every person has the right to use archive material on request.

Which documents are required?

  • Application for use
  • A written request in which you describe your request: This will enable staff at the Federal Archives to give you specific recommendations for your research and to provide you with finding aids and archive material during a visit to the reading room. Depending on the purpose of use or the type of archive item you are looking for, you may need additional documents, for example
    • Identity card or passport (original or copy)
    • Power of attorney
    • Birth or death certificates

Declarations of commitment for the use of archive records Declaration of consent by a data subject

What are the fees?

The following are free of charge

  • simple information
  • Use of archive and library material in the reading room without special effort
  • Information, investigation and provision for scientific purposes in the public interest with limited expenditure of time
  • Requests to safeguard legitimate personal interests in order to assert pension, maintenance, inheritance or other legal claims
  • Exercising the rights of data subjects under the Federal Archives Act
  • in the case of manifestly unfounded requests or in the case of frequent repetition of requests by a data subject, a processing fee may be charged or the processing of the request may be refused

Fees are charged for

  • Processing of requests,
  • special expenses incurred during the provision,
  • Use of images and posters as well as film and video material, e.g. depiction, reproduction, presentation, further use, display on the Internet

The usage fees depend on the scope of the requested service. They depend, for example, on the usage fee per image or film or second of a film excerpt, circulation, number of copies, reach, duration of use or similar or the requested purpose of use.

Fee: 20,00 - 30,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
Between EUR 20.00 and EUR 30.00 per hour for processing inquiries.

Fee: 20,00 - 70,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
For the provision of archive material EUR 20.00 to EUR 70.00 per hour.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

Objection deadline: 1 Month
Appeals against administrative decisions, e.g. refusal of use or the setting of fees, may be lodged within one month of notification.

Processing duration

Processing time: 2 - 4 Weeks
The processing of personal information, especially on the First and Second World Wars, can take considerably longer due to the large number of requests.

Legal basis


  • Objection
  • You can lodge an objection to this decision within one month of notification. Note: It is currently only possible to submit an objection to the Federal Archives in electronic form as an electronic document using DE-Mail.

What else should I know?

A separate application is required for the use of audiovisual archive material, images, posters, sound recordings and films.


Federal Archives (BArch)

Forwarding service: Deep link to the original portal

The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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