responsibility finder

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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you start using a building, you must notify the competent authority.

As a building owner, you must notify the authorities when you start to use a building.

If your building is exempt from procedures, you do not have to notify the start of use. Your building is exempt from procedures if you do not require a permit for the construction, conversion or other structural changes.

Process flow

Submit the notification electronically via the online service or in writing on paper using the form.

If you use the online service, proceed as follows:

  • Log in with your user account. To submit an application as a private individual, you need a BundID account. If you are applying on behalf of an organization (company, authority, etc.), you will need a "My company account".
  • Complete the online form.
  • Add the required documents.
  • Submit the notification of commencement of use to the responsible lower building supervisory authority.
  • If documents are missing or there are other ambiguities, you will be asked to rectify these.
  • In this case, submit the missing or amended documents and/or the clarification.
  • The lower building supervisory authority will check your notification of commencement of use. If the lower building supervisory authority or other authorities do not intervene to avert danger, you can commence use.
Who should I contact?

Lower building supervisory authority


You have erected or modified a building that is not exempt from the building regulations and would like to use it soon.

Which documents are required?
  • Confirmation or certification that the construction was carried out correctly and that the stability and load-bearing capacity of the building is guaranteed
  • Confirmation or certification that the building meets the fire protection requirements
  • Form for notification of commencement of use
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

The notification must be made before the start of use.

Processing duration

Immediately after receipt of the documents

Legal basis

There is no legal remedy.

Applications / forms
What else should I know?

You may not use the building until access roads, water supply and wastewater disposal systems and communal facilities are safe to use.

You may only use fireplaces once the district chimney sweep has confirmed their safety. The same applies to combustion engines and combined heat and power units.

Please note that failure to report the start of use is an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you start using a building, you must notify the competent authority.

Process flow

Submit the notification electronically via the online service or in writing on paper using the form.

If you use the online service, proceed as follows:

  • Log in with your user account. To submit an application as a private individual, you need a BundID account. If you are applying on behalf of an organization (company, authority, etc.), you will need a "My company account".
  • Complete the online form.
  • Add the required documents.
  • Submit the notification of commencement of use to the responsible lower building supervisory authority.
  • If documents are missing or there are other ambiguities, you will be asked to rectify these.
  • In this case, submit the missing or amended documents and/or the clarification.
  • The lower building supervisory authority will check your notification of commencement of use. If the lower building supervisory authority or other authorities do not intervene to avert danger, you can commence use.

Who should I contact?

Lower building supervisory authority


You have erected or modified a building that is not exempt from the building regulations and would like to use it soon.

Which documents are required?

  • Confirmation or certification that the construction was carried out correctly and that the stability and load-bearing capacity of the building is guaranteed
  • Confirmation or certification that the building meets the fire protection requirements
  • Form for notification of commencement of use

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

The notification must be made before the start of use.

Processing duration

Immediately after receipt of the documents

Legal basis


There is no legal remedy.

Applications / forms

What else should I know?

You may not use the building until access roads, water supply and wastewater disposal systems and communal facilities are safe to use.

You may only use fireplaces once the district chimney sweep has confirmed their safety. The same applies to combustion engines and combined heat and power units.

Please note that failure to report the start of use is an administrative offense and can be punished with a fine.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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