Traffic monitoring
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Traffic monitoring (e.g. traffic controls) serves to improve road safety.
German traffic law is made up of a large number of different laws. The most important traffic laws are the Road Traffic Act (StVG), the Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO), the Vehicle Registration Regulations (FZV) and the Driving License Regulations (FeV).
The State Police Office processes inquiries and notifications for the drivers of vehicles used to transport goods and passengers, the owners of these vehicles and the companies that use such vehicles, as well as the Work and Social Regulations (FPersG), the regulations of the Professional Driver Qualification Act (BKrFQG), the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG), the Dangerous Goods Transport Act (GGBefG) and the Road Haulage Act (GüKG).
Traffic monitoring measures contribute to improving road safety. Traffic controls are part of traffic monitoring. These are carried out by the general regulatory authorities, the traffic police and the Federal Office for Goods Transport.
Traffic monitoring (e.g. traffic controls) serves to improve road safety.
Who should I contact?
- To the districts and independent cities (primary responsibility)
- to the municipal, district or city administration (public order office) or
- to the Onlinewache Schleswig-Holstein or
- directly to the State Police Office, Department 13.
What else should I know?
Further information can be found on the websites of the Schleswig-Holstein State Police and the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.