Severely disabled people: Free use of public transport
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
If certain requirements are met, severely disabled people can apply for a token that entitles them to use public transport free of charge.
Would you like to take advantage of free local public transport?
Severely disabled people who are significantly impaired or helpless in their ability to move around on public transport, as well as blind and deaf people, are entitled to "free travel" on local public transport. The prerequisite for "free travel" is that you obtain a supplement with a token from the pension office.
If certain requirements are met, severely disabled people can apply for a token that entitles them to use public transport free of charge.
Who should I contact?
To the State Office for Social Services (LAsD).
Which documents are required?
Proof of receipt of benefits to ensure subsistence in accordance with SGB II, VIII or XII or in accordance with §§ 27a /27d of the Act on the Provision of War Victims (Federal Pensions Act - BVG).
The application for the supplementary sheets is informal.
What are the fees?
- Severely disabled people with the ID mark "G" or "aG" and deaf people generally have to pay EUR 72.00 per year for the token.
- Severely disabled people with the mark "H" and/or "Bl" receive the token free of charge.
- Severely disabled people who receive benefits in accordance with the fourth chapter of SGB XII (basic security in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity) or ALG II, benefits in accordance with the third chapter of SGB XII or SGB VIII (current benefits for living expenses) or corresponding benefits in accordance with the Federal Pension Act (BVG) receive the token free of charge.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Please note that the chargeable token can only be issued for the current month if the amount of money to be paid has been received within the first few days of the month.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.