responsibility finder

Truck driving ban on Sundays and public holidays, as well as on Saturdays during the main holiday period: exemption permit

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Exemptions from the truck driving ban on Sundays and public holidays can be applied for from the districts / independent cities.

In Germany, trucks with a gross vehicle weight of more than 7.5 tons and trailers behind trucks are not permitted to drive on Sundays and public holidays from 0:00 to 22:00.

This also applies on all Saturdays in the main holiday period from July 1 to August 31 of each year from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for specified routes on highways and federal highways. In Schleswig-Holstein, this applies to the A 7 from the Schleswig-Jagel junction to the Hamburg-Schnelsen-Nord junction and to the A 215 from the Bordesholm interchange to the Blumenthal junction, in both directions.

The ban generally does not apply to

  1. combined road-rail freight transport from the consignor to the nearest suitable loading station or from the nearest suitable unloading station to the consignee, but only up to a distance of 200 km,
  2. combined port-road transport of goods between the loading or unloading point and a port located within a maximum radius of 150 kilometers (arrival or departure),
  3. the transportation of
    • fresh milk and fresh dairy products,
    • fresh meat and fresh meat products,
    • fresh fish, live fish and fresh fish products,
    • perishable fruit and vegetables,
  4. empty journeys in connection with journeys under number 3,
  5. journeys with vehicles that are used in accordance with the Federal Benefits Act. The benefit certificate must be carried and handed over to the responsible persons for inspection on request.

In the state of Schleswig-Holstein, the transport of agricultural products during the harvest season is also generally exempted by general decree dated May 29, 2008 (Official Gazette of Schleswig-Holstein, p. 576).

Exceptions to the ban on driving on Sundays and public holidays can be approved for other journeys in urgent cases, for example

  • to supply the population with perishable foodstuffs,
  • for the timely loading and unloading of sea-going vessels,
  • to maintain the operation of public supply or transport facilities.

Economic or competitive reasons alone do not justify an exemption.

Permanent and individual exemptions:

  • An individual permit is valid for one journey with one vehicle or vehicle combination.
  • A permanent exemption permit may only be issued if, in addition to the requirements for an individual permit, the need for regular transportation on Sundays and public holidays is also proven. A permanent exemption permit is generally issued for a maximum of one year.
  • Exceptions to the truck driving ban in accordance with the Holiday Travel Ordinance are generally not granted because the rest of the route network can be used by trucks without restriction.

Who should I contact?

To the districts or independent cities (road traffic authorities).

Which documents are required?
  • Applications must be made in writing, but informally; with reasons.
  • Freight and accompanying documents.
  • In the case of transportation over a road distance of more than 100 km: a certificate from the goods clearance office responsible for the place of dispatch confirming the impossibility of timely rail transportation.
  • Motor vehicle and trailer license,
  • For foreign motor vehicles whose registration documents do not state the permissible total weight and engine power, a corresponding official certificate is required.
What are the fees?

Fees of between 10.20 euros and 767.00 euros are charged per exemption and per vehicle. For more information, please contact the responsible office.

Legal basis
What else should I know?

Further information on the truck driving ban can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG).


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Exemptions from the truck driving ban on Sundays and public holidays can be applied for from the districts / independent cities.

Who should I contact?

To the districts or independent cities (road traffic authorities).

Which documents are required?

  • Applications must be made in writing, but informally; with reasons.
  • Freight and accompanying documents.
  • In the case of transportation over a road distance of more than 100 km: a certificate from the goods clearance office responsible for the place of dispatch confirming the impossibility of timely rail transportation.
  • Motor vehicle and trailer license,
  • For foreign motor vehicles whose registration documents do not state the permissible total weight and engine power, a corresponding official certificate is required.

What are the fees?

Fees of between 10.20 euros and 767.00 euros are charged per exemption and per vehicle. For more information, please contact the responsible office.

Legal basis

What else should I know?

Further information on the truck driving ban can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG).


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers