Biotope protection and maintenance
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Certain habitats of a biotic community (biotopes) are subject to special legal protection.
Biotopes are habitats of a community of wild animals and plants. Certain habitats are subject to special legal protection because they are either extremely rare, have a high ecological value or are threatened with destruction. Some of the protected biotopes in our region have been created by human activity or are the result of certain forms of land use.
Changes in cultivation, construction work, pollution and other influences can destroy habitats. Damage and destruction of specially protected biotopes caused by ignorance is also illegal. The perpetrator can be obliged to restore the original condition.
Strict prohibitions apply to legally protected biotopes, from which exceptions or exemptions can be granted in individual cases within the framework of the statutory provisions.
Certain habitats of a biotic community (biotopes) are subject to special legal protection.
Who should I contact?
To the districts or independent cities (lower nature conservation authorities).
Which documents are required?
The following documents are required for exceptions or exemptions from the prohibitions in biotopes:
- Site plan of the biotope,
- description of the project and
- information necessary for the assessment of the project.
As further documents may be required, it is recommended that you contact the responsible authority in advance.
Legal basis
- § Section 30 of the Act on Nature Conservation and Landscape Management (Federal Nature Conservation Act - BNatSchG),
- §§ Sections 21, 27 of the Nature Conservation Act (Landesnaturschutzgesetz - LNatSchG),
- State ordinance on the responsibility of nature conservation authorities (Nature Conservation Responsibility Ordinance - NatSchZVO),
- State ordinance on legally protected biotopes (Biotope Ordinance).
What else should I know?
The State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) is responsible for carrying out and updating the comprehensive mapping of legally protected biotopes, including notifying the owners.
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