School road safety
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Road safety education and safety on the way to and from school is carried out in cooperation with schools, parents, the police, administration, politicians and other cooperation partners.
Road safety education is assigned to schools as part of their teaching and educational mandate by the recommendations of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder (KMK). Road safety education and school route safety are implemented in cooperation with schools, parents, police, administration, politicians and other cooperation partners.
School route plans are used to identify hazards, reduced routes and danger spots that may be used by school crossing patrols. These school route plans are to be drawn up by the school management in cooperation with the school parents' council, the police prevention officers, the relevant police stations and the local authorities on the basis of a school conference resolution and updated annually. The experiences of parents and pupils must be taken into account.
The school route plan is to be explained to pupils and parents at the beginning of the school year and also made the subject of parents' meetings. Pupils in the first classes must be appropriately familiarized with the safe route to school and the danger points.
The state specialist advisor for road safety education supports the supreme school supervisory authority in all matters relating to road safety education in schools (including road safety) and coordinates the work of the district specialist advisors for road safety education. In the districts and independent cities, the school authorities each appoint a district subject advisor. The representatives appointed by the school principals are responsible for coordinating road safety education at the respective school and advise the school principals, conferences, teachers and parents on all matters relating to road safety education.
Road safety education and safety on the way to and from school is carried out in cooperation with schools, parents, the police, administration, politicians and other cooperation partners.
Who should I contact?
- To the municipal, local or city administration (public order office) for questions about road traffic regulations as well as for instructions and checks on school route safety,
- to the Schleswig-Holstein state police in the case of road safety education and information (traffic prevention),
- to the Landesverkehrswacht / Landesfachberaterinnen und -berater für Verkehrserziehung, the Kreisfachberaterinnen und -berater sowie die Beauftragten an den Schulen, if it concerns schools,
- the Unfallkasse Nord (UK Nord) in the case of accident prevention and statutory accident insurance in the public sector.
Legal basis
- Circular decree "Road safety education and road safety at school" issued by the Ministry of Education on September 12, 2002 (incl. recommendation on road safety education at school; resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs - KMK - dated July 7, 1972 in the version dated June 17, 1994)
- Circular decree "Road construction and road traffic law measures for school route safety" of the Ministry of Economics, Labor and Transport of the State of Schleswig-Holstein dated 08.03.2005
What else should I know?
Further information can be found on the websites of the state government of Schleswig-Holstein and the "SchulwegPlaner".
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