Dangerous dogs: permit for keeping, leash requirement
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Dangerous dogs must be kept on a lead in public and wear a muzzle.
In Schleswig-Holstein, dangerous dogs must be kept on a lead in public and wear a muzzle.
Dangerous dogs can run free on your own property. However, the property must be secured in such a way that the dogs cannot escape.
According to the law on the keeping of dogs (HundeG), all dogs that have bitten a person or an animal, have chased or torn animals in an uncontrolled manner or have repeatedly jumped at people in a dangerous manner or shown other dangerous behavior are dangerous.
A permit is required to keep a dangerous dog. The permit is only issued if the owner is of legal age and has the necessary reliability, personal suitability and expertise:
- For example, a dog owner must not have a criminal record for significant criminal offenses.
- Children or people who are not physically capable of safely handling a dangerous dog are unsuitable for keeping a dangerous dog.
- Also unsuitable are alcohol or drug addicts as well as women and men who are legally incompetent.
- According to the law, an expert is someone who can safely keep and handle a dangerous dog based on their knowledge and skills. Competence is acquired by successfully passing a theoretical and practical competence test with the dog classified as dangerous.
The dog must also have liability insurance and be identified with a microchip.
Dangerous dogs must be kept on a lead in public and wear a muzzle.
Who should I contact?
To your responsible municipal, local or city administration (public order office).
Which documents are required?
- Certificate of good conduct,
- Proof of liability insurance,
- certificate of competence and
- Certificate of identification with microchip.
What are the fees?
- Recognition of decisions and certificates from other countries (§ 17 Law on the Keeping of Dogs - Dog Law - HundeG) = 20.00 Euro,
- Exemption from the muzzle requirement (§ 14 para. 4 sentence 3 HundeG) = 50.00 euros,
- Issue of a certificate of suitability to keep a dangerous dog (§ 14 Para. 6 HundeG) = 50.00 euros,
- Issuing a permit to keep a dangerous dog (§ 8 Para. 1 HundeG) = 100.00 euros,
- Withdrawal of a classification as a dangerous dog (§ 7 Para. 4 HundeG) = 100.00 euros.
Legal basis
Law on the keeping of dogs (Dogs Act - HundeG).
What else should I know?
In accordance with § 14 Para. 4 HundeG, the competent authority can grant an exemption from the muzzle requirement for certain dangerous dogs upon application if the dog's ability to behave in a socially acceptable manner has been proven by a temperament test (§ 13 HundeG).
Upon application, the competent authority may determine that the conditions for classifying the dog as dangerous no longer exist and revoke the classification (§ 7 Para. 4 HundeG) if a veterinarian determines that the dog is no longer dangerous, the dangerousness has been legally established for at least two years and a temperament test that is at least one year old has established the dog's social compatibility.
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