responsibility finder

Disaster prevention

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Responsible for disaster prevention are, among others, the local fire brigade, police and aid organisations.

Civil protection is a permanent task of internal security. Civil protection means preparing the measures necessary to prevent or limit disasters and effectively combating disasters and serious danger situations by applying emergency plans.

In an emergency, it is a matter of immediately initiating all necessary disaster response measures on a clear legal basis with the help of a clearly structured, functional organisational concept. Schleswig-Holstein has created the State Disaster Protection Act for this purpose. The Ministry of the Interior, Municipal, Housing and Sport of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (MIKWS), as the supreme civil protection authority, is responsible in particular for disaster control tasks that extend spatially beyond the territory of a district/independent city.
The Ministry of the Interior, Municipal, Housing and Sport of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (MIKWS) is also responsible for effective crisis management at state level (including defence and emergency plans, exercises, staff work).
The districts/independent cities as well as the island of Helgoland, because of their special location, are responsible as lower civil protection authorities for disaster control tasks in their district.

Disasters are combated locally by public and private civil protection and relief organisations. These include the municipalities with their fire brigades, the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, the German Red Cross, the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe, the Malteser-Hilfsdienst, the Deutsche-Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft and the Technische Hilfswerk. The more than 10,000 volunteers in the disaster control units and the more than 50,000 fire brigade members are the mainstay of civil protection in Schleswig-Holstein.

Who should I contact?
  • To your municipal, official or city administration (fire brigades),
  • to the districts and independent cities as well as the island of Helgoland (as lower disaster control authorities) or
  • to the Ministry of the Interior, Municipal, Housing and Sport (MIKWS) of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.
Legal basis

Law on Civil Protection in Schleswig-Holstein (Landeskatastrophenschutzgesetz - LKatSG)

What else should I know?

Further information can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior, Municipal, Housing and Sport of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Responsible for disaster prevention are, among others, the local fire brigade, police and aid organisations.

Who should I contact?

  • To your municipal, official or city administration (fire brigades),
  • to the districts and independent cities as well as the island of Helgoland (as lower disaster control authorities) or
  • to the Ministry of the Interior, Municipal, Housing and Sport (MIKWS) of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.

Legal basis

Law on Civil Protection in Schleswig-Holstein (Landeskatastrophenschutzgesetz - LKatSG)

What else should I know?

Further information can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior, Municipal, Housing and Sport of the State of Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers