Change of name (under public law)
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Change of name outside the regulations of civil law (BGB), i.e. not e.g. due to marriage or divorce.
If you wish to change your surname and/or first name outside the provisions of civil law (i.e. not, for example, when getting married or divorced), you must apply for a change of name under public law.
You must note the following:
- Name changes can only be carried out for Germans within the meaning of the Basic Law, stateless persons, homeless foreigners, foreign refugees or persons entitled to asylum.
- Only important reasons justify the change of name. The reasons must therefore be explained in detail in the application.
- For a person with limited legal capacity, the legal representative (father, mother, guardian, custodian) submits the application; a guardian or custodian requires the approval of the guardianship court. A person with limited legal capacity who has reached the age of 16 must be heard by the guardianship court on the application. The approval of the guardianship court and proof of the result of the hearing of the applicant by the guardianship court must be attached to the application.
- The application must contain a statement as to whether a change of name has been applied for previously, if so, when and with which authority.
- The applicant must also declare that he/she is aware that the change of name or the rejection or withdrawal of the application is subject to a fee.
Change of name outside the regulations of civil law (BGB), i.e. not e.g. due to marriage or divorce.
Who should I contact?
To your municipal, local or city administration (registry office, name change authority).
Which documents are required?
- Certificate of citizenship, passport, travel document, identity card, child ID card (as proof that the applicant is either German within the meaning of Art. 116 (1) of the Basic Law or stateless, homeless foreigner, foreign refugee, person entitled to asylum).
- Late repatriate certificate in accordance with § 15 BVFG or expellee ID (for late repatriates and expellees).
- Certified copy of the birth entry for the applicant and for all persons to whom the change of surname is to apply; the documents must be current.
- If the applicant is or was married, the marriage certificate (marriage certificate) or a certified copy of the family register kept as the marriage entry.
- For persons who have reached the age of fourteen, an official certificate of good conduct.
Please note:
The documents should be submitted in the original. All application documents remain with the authority. The original documents submitted will be returned to you once the copies have been certified. In individual cases, further documents and evidence may be required to process the application. Information on this can be obtained from the responsible authority.
What are the fees?
Information on whether and to what extent fees apply can be obtained from the competent authority.
Legal basis
What else should I know?
The competent authority shall arrange for the subsequent certification of the change of name or the establishment of the name in the register of births and in the register of marriages or civil partnerships. It notifies the registration authority responsible for the home of the person concerned of the change or establishment of the name.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.