Soil extraction/excavations/fillings - approval
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Anyone wishing to excavate, remove or fill up land may require a permit.
Approval for excavation or backfilling is granted in accordance with Section 17 (1) last half-sentence of the German Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) in conjunction with Section 11a of the German Nature Conservation Act (LNatSchG). Accordingly, excavations require a permit from the competent authority if the affected soil area is larger than 1,000 m² or the quantity to be removed is more than 30m³.
The Schleswig-Holstein state building regulations must also be observed, as excavations, removals and fills may be classified as measures requiring planning permission if a certain size is exceeded.
Anyone wishing to excavate, remove or fill up land may require a permit.
Who should I contact?
To the districts or independent cities (lower nature conservation authorities).
Which documents are required?
- Site plan,
- description of the planned excavation/fill and
- all other information required to assess the project.
Please contact the responsible office before submitting your application to find out which specific documents are required.
What are the fees?
In accordance with the state ordinance on administrative fees, fees of EUR 100.00 to EUR 5,110.00 are charged depending on the scope of the project.
For projects that are also subject to the obligation to carry out an environmental impact assessment or an impact assessment in accordance with Section 30 LNatSchG, additional fees of up to 60% of the above fee rate may be incurred.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
It is advisable to obtain advice from the responsible authority in good time before starting excavation/filling.
Legal basis
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.