Display the commercial handling of animal by-products
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
Anyone who collects, gathers or transports animal by-products on a commercial basis must report this to the competent authority.
Anyone who collects, gathers or transports animal by-products on a commercial basis must notify the competent authority before commencing their activities (Section 7 of the Animal By-products Disposal Ordinance).
For businesses or facilities in which animal by-products are temporarily stored (storage facilities), treated (intermediate treatment facilities), processed (processing facilities, fat processing facilities) or disposed of (incineration and co-incineration plants), prior approval is required (Articles 10-14 of EC Regulation No. 1774/2002).
Exemptions are required for certain other uses of animal by-products (Section 4 of the Animal By-products Disposal Act).
Anyone who collects, gathers or transports animal by-products on a commercial basis must report this to the competent authority.
Who should I contact?
- Districts or independent cities (veterinary offices, official veterinarians), provided the material is category 3 material within the meaning of Article 6 of the Regulation.
- In all other cases: Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
Which documents are required?
You must notify the competent authority of the establishment with animal by-products, stating
- your name,
- your address and the
- animal by-products you intend to transport,
. Further documents may be required. It is therefore recommended that you contact the competent authority in advance.
What are the fees?
The permit is subject to a fee. The fees are determined by the respective cost or fee schedule. Further information can be obtained from the responsible office.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The official approval must be obtained before the start of the activity.
Legal basis
Applications / forms
Applications can be submitted informally.
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