responsibility finder

Customs passport booklet (Carnet-ATA)

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

An ATA Carnet is used for the temporary duty-free import of consumer goods in international trade and international cultural activities.

The ATA carnet is an international customs passport booklet. In international trade and international cultural activities, the booklet makes it easier for you to temporarily import, export or transit professional equipment, trade fair goods and samples. When using a carnet, you do not have to pay customs duties or other charges in the importing or transit countries and you do not have to make any special customs declarations.
The Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) issues the ATA carnet to companies and natural persons based in its district.

Who should I contact?

To the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in whose district your company is located.

Which documents are required?
  • "Application for the issue of an ATA Carnet and for the conclusion of a bonding insurance" (available from your Chamber of Industry and Commerce),
  • identity card,
  • Extract from the commercial, cooperative or association register,
  • Extract from the central trade register and
  • possibly: proof of public law status.
What are the fees?

Your Chamber of Industry and Commerce will inform you about form costs and carnet fees.

In addition to the application fees, there is an insurance fee, the amount of which is based on the total value of the carnet. The insurance fee does not cover transport insurance or any duties incurred when the goods remain abroad, but is related to the insurance of the German Chamber of Commerce organization, which guarantees you for the liabilities arising from the carnets you use.

Legal basis
Applications / forms

Applications and forms can be obtained from the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce or from form publishers.

What else should I know?

The issue of the ATA Carnet is linked to the conclusion of a surety insurance policy with the Hamburg-registered Euler Hermes Deutschland branch of Euler Hermes SA.

Carnetable goods" are only consumer goods, not consumer goods. Goods that are imported or exported for the purpose of processing or repair are also excluded. The same applies to perishable goods and goods that are to be modified or adapted for test purposes or are intended to remain abroad from the outset. The ATA Carnet is generally valid for one year. It is recognized in approx. 75 contracting states (as of May 2015).

Further information on the ATA Carnet procedure can be found on the IHK Schleswig-Holstein website.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


An ATA Carnet is used for the temporary duty-free import of consumer goods in international trade and international cultural activities.

Who should I contact?

To the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in whose district your company is located.

Which documents are required?

  • "Application for the issue of an ATA Carnet and for the conclusion of a bonding insurance" (available from your Chamber of Industry and Commerce),
  • identity card,
  • Extract from the commercial, cooperative or association register,
  • Extract from the central trade register and
  • possibly: proof of public law status.

What are the fees?

Your Chamber of Industry and Commerce will inform you about form costs and carnet fees.

In addition to the application fees, there is an insurance fee, the amount of which is based on the total value of the carnet. The insurance fee does not cover transport insurance or any duties incurred when the goods remain abroad, but is related to the insurance of the German Chamber of Commerce organization, which guarantees you for the liabilities arising from the carnets you use.

Legal basis

Applications / forms

Applications and forms can be obtained from the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce or from form publishers.

What else should I know?

The issue of the ATA Carnet is linked to the conclusion of a surety insurance policy with the Hamburg-registered Euler Hermes Deutschland branch of Euler Hermes SA.

Carnetable goods" are only consumer goods, not consumer goods. Goods that are imported or exported for the purpose of processing or repair are also excluded. The same applies to perishable goods and goods that are to be modified or adapted for test purposes or are intended to remain abroad from the outset. The ATA Carnet is generally valid for one year. It is recognized in approx. 75 contracting states (as of May 2015).

Further information on the ATA Carnet procedure can be found on the IHK Schleswig-Holstein website.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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