Removal of nests of hornets, bumblebees, wasps or wild bees
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
The removal of nests of hornets, bumblebees, wasps or wild bees should only be carried out by experts.
Hornets, bumblebees and wild bees are under special species protection. While most wild bee species live individually, hornets and bumblebees are colony-forming insects. However, their nests do not survive longer than one summer. If there is a conflict with these species, you may only have the nest removed with the permission of the responsible authority.
Such a permit is not required for the other state-forming wasp species; state-forming wasp nests are only subject to the general provisions of species protection. There must be a reasonable reason for the removal, e.g. the presence of an allergy.
All the insect species mentioned fulfill important functions in the natural cycle. Hornets and wasps regulate mass populations of other insects, many bumblebees pollinate flowers that are inaccessible to honeybees and, together with other wild bees, ensure rich harvests in agriculture and gardens.
Most species are harmless and do not attack humans.
The nests of social species are built in natural cavities (e.g. woodpecker cavities, in some species also mouse burrows) or in artificial cavities such as attics. Sometimes nest boxes or shutter boxes are also colonized. The nest area (approx. 2 meters around the nest) is defended by the insects, if necessary by stinging. The following disturbances should therefore be avoided
- violent, rapid movements,
- prolonged displacement of the flight path,
- shaking the nest,
- manipulation of the nest or entrance hole,
- direct breathing on the animals.
Outside the nest area, the animals are usually peaceful. Conflicts can be minimized, for example, by covering food and attaching fly gauze to windows. Try to come to terms with the non-protected wasps.
The removal of nests should only be carried out by qualified experts.
The removal of nests of hornets, bumblebees, wasps or wild bees should only be carried out by experts.
Process flow
Applications for exemption from the above-mentioned prohibitions must be submitted in writing to the competent authority.
Who should I contact?
- to professional pest controllers or
- to the State Office for the Environment of Schleswig-Holstein (LfU)
- in exceptional cases, the municipal, local or city administration can provide advice without being able to act independently.
Which documents are required?
Reference to the species concerned.
An application is required for specially and strictly protected species. Information on this can be obtained from the competent authority.
What else should I know?
Many hymenopterans such as hornets and all native wild bees and bumblebee species are subject to special protection under the Federal Nature Conservation Act (Section 44 (1) BNatSchG), while all wasp species, such as the German wasp, are only subject to the provisions of general species protection (Section 39 BNatSchG).
In the case of generally protected species, there must at least be a reasonable reason for the removal of nests (e.g. allergies or immediate proximity to heavily frequented areas such as terraces).
For other specially protected species, a permit from the State Office for the Environment is required. Before removing such nests (habitats), it must therefore be established beyond doubt which species/species group is involved. In cases of doubt, the help of experts should therefore be sought.
A hornet sting is no more dangerous for normally sensitive people than a wasp sting.
Further information on hornets can also be found in the "Tiercourier", p. 16.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.