Apply for accelerated skilled worker procedure
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
If you as an employer wish to employ a skilled worker from a third country, you can apply for an accelerated skilled worker procedure on behalf of the foreign skilled worker.
In order to shorten the entry procedure, you as an employer can apply for the accelerated skilled worker procedure on behalf of your future employee. The fast-track procedure for skilled workers is aimed at foreigners who wish to enter Germany for a specific purpose (e.g. for the purpose of recognition of foreign professional qualifications or for qualified employment as a skilled worker) as well as their accompanying family members, if the entry takes place at the same time. The temporal connection is given if the entry of family members takes place no later than six months after the entry of the skilled worker.
The accelerated skilled worker procedure is a voluntary offer. By law, the regular entry procedure is still available to you and your skilled worker.
The accelerated procedure for skilled workers does not guarantee that a visa will be issued by the German diplomatic mission abroad.
If you as an employer wish to employ a skilled worker from a third country, you can apply for an accelerated skilled worker procedure on behalf of the foreign skilled worker.
Process flow
- If you have any questions about the accelerated skilled worker procedure, please contact your local immigration authority and ask for a consultation. The foreigners authority will advise you on the procedural steps and the necessary involvement of other authorities.
- If no central immigration authority has been set up in your federal state, the immigration authority at the location of the company where you wish to employ your skilled worker is responsible
- To apply for the accelerated skilled worker procedure, you will need a power of attorney from your future skilled worker. You can find a sample power of attorney under "Further information"
- Depending on the immigration authority and your request, it may be possible to apply online. Find out whether your immigration office offers electronic applications for residence permits.
If the application can only be made in person, make an appointment with the immigration office.
- To carry out the procedure, you conclude a corresponding agreement with the Foreigners' Registration Office which includes, among other things, your obligations as an employer, those of the skilled worker and the authorities involved (Foreigners' Registration Office, Federal Employment Agency, recognition offices, German diplomatic mission abroad). In addition, you will receive a description of the procedures, including details of the parties involved, the documents to be provided and the deadlines. You must pay the fees of 411 euros when concluding the agreement.
- If necessary, the immigration authority will initiate the procedure for the recognition or equivalence assessment of foreign qualifications and send the application and required documents to the competent authority. The competent authorities should decide on the recognition within two months of receiving the complete application documents. If documents are still missing, the Foreigners' Registration Office will contact you.
- If necessary, the foreigners authority will initiate the approval procedure with the Federal Employment Agency once the recognition procedure has been successfully completed. If the Federal Employment Agency does not respond within one week, approval is deemed to have been granted.
- If all requirements are met, including the determination of equivalence or comparability of the professional qualification and the approval of the Federal Employment Agency, the Foreigners' Registration Office will approve the issuing of the visa and hand it over to you for forwarding to the skilled worker abroad.
- The foreign skilled worker must submit the preliminary approval to the diplomatic mission abroad and is then given an accelerated appointment to apply for the visa. This must take place within three weeks. Once the visa application has been submitted in full on the scheduled date, a decision on the application is usually made within three weeks.
- The procedure can also be used for family reunification of spouses and children, provided that the applications are submitted in a timely manner (i.e. within 6 months of the skilled worker entering the country)
Who should I contact?
For the accelerated skilled worker procedure:
Foreigners' Registration Office at the place of work where the foreigner is to be employed, unless a central office has been set up to carry out the procedure.
Competent authority
For the accelerated skilled worker procedure:
Foreigners' Registration Office at the place of work where the foreigner is to be employed, unless a central office has been set up to carry out the procedure.
- The foreign worker has a recognized and valid passport or passport substitute. In the case of family reunification, family members must also present valid passports.
- The foreign worker is entering the country for a specific purpose of residence (for the purpose of vocational training, recognition of foreign professional qualifications, for qualified employment as a skilled worker)
The procedure can also be applied for other qualified employment purposes (e.g. for the purpose of research or for employment as an IT specialist)
- There is an employment contract or concrete job offer (for proof of the concrete job offer, see the "Declaration of employment relationship" under "Further information")
- The foreign worker has not yet submitted a visa application in the country of origin. This also applies to spouses and children who wish to relocate to Germany together with the worker or later as part of family reunification.
- The foreign worker can secure your livelihood and health insurance cover from income without claiming public benefits.
- The foreign worker has issued you with a power of attorney to carry out the accelerated skilled worker procedure. If family members of the foreign worker also wish to use the procedure, they must also issue a power of attorney.
You can also authorize third parties (e.g. a law firm) to carry out the procedure by means of sub-authorizations. The specialist and their family members must also authorize you to do this.
You have concluded an agreement with the responsible immigration authority to carry out the accelerated skilled worker procedure.
Which documents are required?
- Proof of authorization of the employer by the skilled worker and, if applicable, proof of sub-authorization
- Passport or passport substitute of the skilled worker
- Copy of the certificate of residence status of the skilled worker if currently residing in another EU country
- Proof of adequate pension provision
- If applicable, notification from the competent recognition body confirming the equivalence of the vocational training completed abroad (if available)
- If applicable, certificate assessment from the Central Office for Foreign Education on the comparability of the foreign university degree (if available)
- If applicable: Notification from the competent authority on the recognition of the foreign university degree for the purpose of employment in a regulated profession (if available)
- If required: Professional license or confirmation of the granting of a professional license
If necessary, the competent immigration authority will initiate the procedure to determine the equivalence of the professional qualification acquired abroad or to assess the certificate of the foreign university degree. The following documents must be submitted for the procedure to be carried out:
- Proof of training in the original language and a German translation as a copy
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form (in German) from the start of the relevant training: with a complete list of the training and further education courses completed and all gainful employment held
- If available: Proof of relevant professional experience in the original language and in German translation as a copy (e.g. job references, work books, letters of reference)
- If available: other proof of qualifications in the original language and a German translation as a copy (e.g. certificates of further training, training courses, courses, language level)
- A declaration in German signed by the specialist stating that no application for determination of equivalence has yet been submitted in the Federal Republic of Germany
- If the name on the passport differs from the name on the training certificate: Proof of the name change in the original language and a German translation as a copy.
If necessary, the responsible immigration authority will obtain the approval of the Federal Employment Agency after the positive conclusion of the procedure for determining the equivalence of the professional qualification acquired abroad. For the involvement of the Federal Employment Agency, a completed form "Declaration of employment including supplementary sheet" signed by the employer must be submitted. (-see under "Further information")
In the event that family members wish to join you within six months, appropriate proof must be submitted:
- Color copies of the passports of all family members
- Powers of attorney from the family members joining you (see "Further information")
If spouses/partners are joining you, the following documents must also be submitted:
- International marriage certificate as an officially certified copy or original or officially certified copy of the marriage certificate legalized by the German diplomatic mission abroad or apostilled by the competent authority in the original language and in German translation, each as a simple copy
- If required: Certificate of German language proficiency at level A 1
If children are joining you, the following documents must also be submitted:
- International birth certificate(s) as officially certified copy(s) or
Original(s) or officially certified copy(s) of the birth certificate(s) legalized by the German diplomatic mission abroad or apostilled by the competent authority in the original language and in German translation, each as simple copy(s)
What are the fees?
Implementation of the accelerated skilled worker procedure: 411 euros.
The fee must be paid upon conclusion of the agreement on the implementation of an accelerated skilled worker procedure.
The costs for the necessary professional recognition and the issuing of any necessary professional license as well as fees incurred at the foreign representation and the costs for the issuing of documents, for authenticity checks, the translation of documents into German and the making and certification of copies etc. are to be borne by the skilled worker or the employer.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
In the case of family reunification with the skilled worker, the application must be submitted within 6 months of the skilled worker's arrival in Germany
Processing duration
When carrying out the recognition procedure and obtaining the approval of the Federal Employment Agency:
lie at least 15 weeks between the initiation of the procedure and the issuing of the visa by the competent German diplomatic mission abroad.
Legal basis
§ Section 81a Residence Act
Applications / forms
- Foreigners authority-specific forms can be obtained from your foreigners authority; these may also be available online.
- Online procedure occasionally possible
- Written form required: yes
- Personal appearance required: yes
- Information on the accelerated skilled worker procedure:
- Sample power of attorney for applying for an accelerated skilled worker procedure:
- Declaration on the employment relationship:
- Supplementary sheet A to the form "Declaration of employment:
- Sample authorization for family reunification of the spouse according to § 81a Abs.4 AufenthG:
- Sample authorization for family reunification of underage, unmarried children according to § 81a Abs.4 AufenthG:
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.