responsibility finder

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

The task of helping the homeless is to help people in particularly difficult situations/emergencies.

If homeless persons have no income, subsistence benefits can be claimed in accordance with SGB II and SGB XII.

If, in addition, there are special social difficulties that are related to special living conditions (such as a lack of housing), there may be an entitlement to benefits to overcome special social difficulties according to SGB XII. In particular, however, this also includes measures for the maintenance and procurement of a dwelling.

Who should I contact?

To the municipal, official or city administration (public order office or social welfare office).

What are the fees?

Fees for using community homeless shelters can vary from place to place. Detailed information on this can be obtained from the competent authority.

Legal basis
What else should I know?

With the "Social City" funding programme, the state of Schleswig-Holstein supports municipalities that have an above-average proportion of socially disadvantaged population groups (e.g. homeless people) in their urban development measures with the aim of improving housing conditions.

You can also get advice on questions about homelessness from the Diakonisches Werk Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


The task of helping the homeless is to help people in particularly difficult situations/emergencies.

Who should I contact?

To the municipal, official or city administration (public order office or social welfare office).

What are the fees?

Fees for using community homeless shelters can vary from place to place. Detailed information on this can be obtained from the competent authority.

Legal basis

What else should I know?

With the "Social City" funding programme, the state of Schleswig-Holstein supports municipalities that have an above-average proportion of socially disadvantaged population groups (e.g. homeless people) in their urban development measures with the aim of improving housing conditions.

You can also get advice on questions about homelessness from the Diakonisches Werk Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers