responsibility finder

Vocational schools and regional vocational training centers

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

They provide basic and/or specialist knowledge for professions or a specific occupational field and enable students to obtain all school-leaving qualifications. Vocational schools provide general and vocational education and training in vocational and university-qualifying courses.

The diverse range of courses offered by vocational schools and regional vocational training centers provides the necessary basic and/or specialist training for a specific profession or occupational field and enables students to obtain all school-leaving qualifications, depending on their individual prior education and ability: First general school-leaving certificate, intermediate school-leaving certificate, entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences, subject-specific and general university entrance qualification.
Adolescents and young adults with and without school-leaving qualifications who are just starting out in working life or who want to acquire a school-leaving vocational qualification or a higher-level school-leaving qualification can choose from six types of school at the vocational schools in Schleswig-Holstein:

Vocational school
As part of the dual vocational training system, the vocational school provides vocational training in a state-recognized training occupation together with the training companies and expands the general education. On completion of the vocational school, the first general school-leaving certificate, the intermediate school-leaving certificate or the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences can be acquired.
Special classes are formed for young people who have not found a training place. The preparatory year prepares young people in various vocational fields such as business and administration or technology for vocational training or for starting a job. The course can include qualification modules. It is possible to obtain the first general school-leaving certificate.
The Federal Employment Agency's vocational preparation measures with accompanying vocational school lessons, which are carried out by educational institutions such as youth development centers, are a comparable educational offer.
Young people who are required to attend vocational school and who do not attend any of the aforementioned vocational school courses are taught in vocational entry classes.

Vocational school
There are three types of school with different objectives:

  • The vocational school in accordance with § 1 Para. 1 of the Vocational School Ordinance (type I) provides basic vocational qualifications and vocational orientation in certain subject areas. Upon completion of the two-year vocational school, the intermediate school leaving certificate is acquired.
  • The vocational school in accordance with § 1 Para. 2 of the Vocational School Ordinance (Type II) prepares students in three years for the qualification in the training occupation of wood sculptor in accordance with the Crafts Code.
  • The vocational school in accordance with § 1 Para. 3 of the Vocational School Ordinance (Type III) provides state-recognized vocational training in certain fields, which can only be acquired in schools. The subjects offered include social pedagogy, social work and economics. Completion of the course can lead to the acquisition of a further school-leaving qualification.

Vocational grammar school
After completing lower secondary level, the Berufliches Gymnasium (vocational grammar school) provides pupils with an education that meets the requirements for admission to higher education and comparable vocational training (general higher education entrance qualification) through vocational and general educational content in certain subject areas. It is primarily aimed at pupils with a secondary school leaving certificate obtained by examination.
At the end of year 12, the Fachhochschulreife (school-based part) can be acquired. The entitlement to study at a university of applied sciences is only acquired in conjunction with a period of practical training.

The Fachoberschule leads young adults with an intermediate secondary school leaving certificate and at least two years of relevant vocational training or at least five years of relevant professional experience in certain subject areas to the Fachhochschulreife.

Vocational secondary school
The Berufsoberschule leads young adults with the Fachhochschulreife and at least two years of relevant vocational training or at least five years of relevant professional experience in certain subject areas to the Fachgebundene Hochschulreife, with proof of appropriate knowledge of a second foreign language to the general higher education entrance qualification.

Technical college
The Fachschule provides advanced vocational knowledge in certain subject areas through further training. The predominantly two-year technical college concludes with a state examination and can lead to further school qualifications and entitlements. Technical subjects are offered as well as subjects such as business administration, special education and social education.
The completion of a technical college of at least two years can lead to the acquisition of the Fachhochschulreife.

Who should I contact?

To the respective school / regional vocational training center.

What else should I know?

Further information can be found in the state portal "Bildung Schleswig-Holstein".


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


They provide basic and/or specialist knowledge for professions or a specific occupational field and enable students to obtain all school-leaving qualifications. Vocational schools provide general and vocational education and training in vocational and university-qualifying courses.

Who should I contact?

To the respective school / regional vocational training center.

What else should I know?

Further information can be found in the state portal "Bildung Schleswig-Holstein".


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers