responsibility finder

Neighbor law / neighbor protection: Arbitration proceedings (dispute resolution)

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If the competent authority cannot settle a neighborly dispute, the arbitration office (conciliation office) should be called in.

Trees and bushes, habits, noises, cats, dogs and, of course, children: there are many reasons why a neighborly community can turn into a tangible dispute. There are many ways back to peaceful coexistence. And there are clear rules for many cases.

The arbitration office is set up to settle disputes in neighborly matters (i.e. civil disputes) on a voluntary basis. The Arbitration Board should always be called in if the regulations put in place by the responsible authority (e.g. building regulations office, public order office) are not sufficient and the neighborly situation threatens to escalate.

The Schleswig-Holstein State Conciliation Act also stipulates that legal action can only be taken in neighboring disputes if the parties involved have previously visited a so-called conciliation office and tried to reach an agreement there. Conciliation offices in this sense are, on the one hand, the arbitration offices. On the other hand, lawyers can be recognized as conciliation offices. Of course, they can only act as a conciliation office in a dispute between neighbors if they do not themselves represent one of the parties involved as a lawyer.

Who should I contact?

To the person appointed as arbitrator in your municipal, local or city administration.

Legal basis
  • Arbitration Rules for the State of Schleswig-Holstein (SchO),
  • Schleswig-Holstein State Arbitration Act (LschliG).
What else should I know?

Depending on the region, arbitrators are also referred to as justices of the peace or conciliators.

You can find more information on the subject of dispute resolution on the state government website.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If the competent authority cannot settle a neighborly dispute, the arbitration office (conciliation office) should be called in.

Who should I contact?

To the person appointed as arbitrator in your municipal, local or city administration.

Legal basis

  • Arbitration Rules for the State of Schleswig-Holstein (SchO),
  • Schleswig-Holstein State Arbitration Act (LschliG).

What else should I know?

Depending on the region, arbitrators are also referred to as justices of the peace or conciliators.

You can find more information on the subject of dispute resolution on the state government website.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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