responsibility finder

Applying for a replacement permit for a hospitality business that requires a permit

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Anyone wishing to operate a restaurant through a deputy requires a deputy permit.

Anyone wishing to operate a restaurant business requiring a permit through a deputy requires a deputy permit. This is issued to the holder of the restaurant license for a specific deputy and can be limited in time. The business operator requires a deputy permit for each person who is to operate the business as a deputy.

The exercise of the trade by the deputy may also be permitted on a revocable basis until the permit is issued. If the trade is no longer operated by the deputy, the licensing authority must be notified immediately.

The deputy permit can only be issued if the restaurant permit has already been issued or is issued at the same time. A provisional restaurant permit, on the other hand, does not yet form the basis for a deputy permit. In these cases, a provisional replacement permit can be applied for.

Who should I contact?

Responsible municipal, local or city administration (public order office).

Important note:

Anelectronic application assistant is available for applying for a deputy permit via the Single Point of Contact Schleswig-Holstein.

Which documents are required?

As the holder of the restaurant license:
Informal written application.

As a future deputy:
The following documents can be requested (please contact the responsible municipal, local or city administration in this regard):

  • Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  • Tax clearance certificate from the municipality of residence
  • Extract from the debtor register
  • Certificate from the insolvency court
  • Certificate of good conduct (document type "0")
  • Information from the central trade register (document type 9)
  • Certificate from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce regarding information in accordance with the Catering Act
  • In the case of a GbR, the GbR contract must be submitted
  • In the case of legal entities or associations, information must be provided for all authorized representatives,
  • In addition, an excerpt from the commercial, cooperative or association register must be submitted if applicable.

When serving prepared food:

  • Proof from the public health department of participation in a briefing in accordance with the Infection Protection Act or a valid health certificate
What are the fees?

Administration fee: 200,00 - 1500,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
A fee is payable for the issue of a proxy permit. The current fee is EUR 200.00 in accordance with the Annex to the State Ordinance on Administrative Fees. In individual cases, a maximum fee of up to EUR 1,500.00 is permitted for applications requiring a particularly high level of examination or processing. Detailed information on this can be obtained from the competent authority.

Legal basis
What else should I know?

The application for a replacement permit must be submitted personally by the holder of the restaurant permit.

The application forms must comply with the annex to the German Restaurant Ordinance (GastVO).


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Anyone wishing to operate a restaurant through a deputy requires a deputy permit.

Who should I contact?

Responsible municipal, local or city administration (public order office).

Important note:

Anelectronic application assistant is available for applying for a deputy permit via the Single Point of Contact Schleswig-Holstein.

Which documents are required?

As the holder of the restaurant license:
Informal written application.

As a future deputy:
The following documents can be requested (please contact the responsible municipal, local or city administration in this regard):

  • Certificate in tax matters from the responsible tax office
  • Tax clearance certificate from the municipality of residence
  • Extract from the debtor register
  • Certificate from the insolvency court
  • Certificate of good conduct (document type "0")
  • Information from the central trade register (document type 9)
  • Certificate from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce regarding information in accordance with the Catering Act
  • In the case of a GbR, the GbR contract must be submitted
  • In the case of legal entities or associations, information must be provided for all authorized representatives,
  • In addition, an excerpt from the commercial, cooperative or association register must be submitted if applicable.

When serving prepared food:

  • Proof from the public health department of participation in a briefing in accordance with the Infection Protection Act or a valid health certificate

What are the fees?

Administration fee: 200,00 - 1500,00 EUR
Payment in advance: no
A fee is payable for the issue of a proxy permit. The current fee is EUR 200.00 in accordance with the Annex to the State Ordinance on Administrative Fees. In individual cases, a maximum fee of up to EUR 1,500.00 is permitted for applications requiring a particularly high level of examination or processing. Detailed information on this can be obtained from the competent authority.

Legal basis

What else should I know?

The application for a replacement permit must be submitted personally by the holder of the restaurant permit.

The application forms must comply with the annex to the German Restaurant Ordinance (GastVO).


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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