Substances hazardous to water: Specialist company - Proof of specialist company status
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
On request, specialist companies must prove to the competent water authority that they are a specialist company.
Upon request, specialist companies must prove the status of specialist company to the competent authority.
It must also be able to prove the status of a specialist company to the operator of a plant if he commissions the specialist company with activities subject to specialist operation.
On request, specialist companies must prove to the competent water authority that they are a specialist company.
Who should I contact?
To the county or the county-free city (water authority).
Legal basis
- § 62 Act on the Order of the Water Balance (WHG),
- § 26 State Ordinance on Plants for the Handling of Substances Hazardous to Water (Plant Ordinance - VAwS),
- § 5 Water Act of the State of Schleswig-Holstein (Landeswassergesetz - WasG SH).
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