responsibility finder

Apply for entry in the register of craftsmen

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you want to operate a trade as a self-employed business, you need to be entered in the register of craftsmen. You can find out more here.

The owners of trades requiring a license are entered in the register of tradesmen.

Anyone wishing to operate a craft independently as a standing trade requires registration in the register of craftsmen.

A business is considered a skilled trade if it is operated as a skilled trade and fully comprises a trade listed in Annex A of the Crafts Code (see legal bases) or activities are carried out that are essential for this trade.

In principle, only the trade that has been registered may be practiced. If several trades are practiced, each of these trades must generally be entered in the Register of Craftsmen.

If a trade is to be practiced, work can also be carried out in other trades. Prerequisite: There must be a technical or professional connection or an economic complement between the craft practiced and the other craft and the work in the registered craft must predominate.

Anyone who personally meets the requirements for entry in the Register of Craftsmen and practises the relevant craft can also obtain a license to practise in accordance with Section 7a HwO for another trade subject to licensing in Annex A or for essential activities thereof if the knowledge and skills required for this are proven. Previous professional experience and activities must also be taken into account.

In the case of an employed operations manager, it should be noted that they are only eligible for registration if they actually manage the business in technical terms during normal working hours. In addition, the manager's activities must be adequately remunerated.

The Register of Craftsmen is the central register in which the owners of businesses in trades requiring a license (Annex A of the Crafts Code with 41 trades) in their district are entered with the trade they are practicing or, if they practice several trades, with these.

The Register of Craftsmen serves to monitor the professional and factual quality of trade services in the skilled crafts sector. Entry in the Register of Craftsmen is a prerequisite for a full trade license.

Only natural persons, legal entities and partnerships entered in the Register of Craftsmen are permitted to independently operate a craft requiring a license as a standing trade. It is an administrative offense to operate a standing trade without proper registration in the register of craftsmen and can be punished with a fine or a trade/trade ban.

The Chamber of Skilled Crafts checks whether the requirements for entry in the Register of Skilled Crafts are met at the time of application and determines the affiliation to the individual trades requiring registration.

The Chamber of Skilled Crafts issues a certificate of entry in the register of skilled crafts(skilled crafts card).

Process flow
  • You submit the application for entry in the Register of Craftsmen to the relevant Chamber of Crafts.
  • The competent authority will check the documents and, if the application is successful, will enter you on the Register of Craftsmen.
  • Registration in the Register of Craftsmen is associated with the issue of a craftsman's card. You can later use the craftsman's card to identify yourself as a registered craftsman's business.
Who should I contact?

To the responsible Chamber of Crafts (HWK) or to the Single Point of Contact SH.

Important note:

An electronic application (application assistant) is available for applying for entry in the Register of Craftsmen via the Single Point of Contact Schleswig-Holstein.

  • Master craftsman's certificate

You will be entered in the Chamber of Crafts register if you or your company manager has successfully passed the master craftsman's examination in a craft requiring a license:

  • that corresponds to the craft that is to be practiced or
  • in a craft requiring a license that is technically related to this craft.
  • Note: If these requirements are not met, exceptions can be applied for in certain cases.


The Crafts Code contains provisions according to which the applicant or the company management may also

  • as a graduate of universities and technical colleges (e.g. as a graduate engineer)
  • with a German state or state-recognized examination equivalent to the master craftsman's examination (§ 7 Para. 2 HwO) can be entered in the register of craftsmen.
    The prerequisite is that the study or school focus of your examination corresponds to the craft to be registered.
  • with a license to practice according to § 7a HwO:
  • This is awarded to anyone who can prove that they have the necessary knowledge and skills for another craft listed in Annex A of the HwO or for essential activities of this craft.
  • with authorization to practice according to § 7b HwO:
  • Experienced journeymen can become self-employed, provided they can demonstrate at least six years of practical experience in the trade and have worked in a managerial position for at least four of these years.
  • with exceptional authorization §§ 8, 9 Para. 1 No. 1 HwO:
  • In exceptional cases, an exemption permit must be granted if the knowledge and skills required to practise the craft independently are proven. An exceptional case exists, for example, if taking a master craftsman's examination at the time of application or thereafter would represent an unreasonable burden.

The following applies to foreign applicants:

  • When you take up a craft, you must be entered in the register of craftsmen. The conditions of the Crafts Code also apply here. This also applies to foreign companies from countries outside the European Economic Area in the case of short-term skilled trade assignments (assembly work, work contract services).
    If you do not have a master craftsman's certificate or proof of an equivalent German examination or are not already registered in the Register of Craftsmen with another craft, it is possible under certain conditions to apply for an exemption permit in accordance with §§ 8 or 9 Para. 1 No. 1 HwO (Crafts Code)
Which documents are required?
  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • Proof of qualifications: (certified) copies of certificates of passed examinations
  • Copy of business registration (can be submitted later if necessary after entry in the register of craftsmen)
  • In the case of civil law companies, the articles of association and the manager's declaration
  • if a manager is employed:
  • employment contract
  • plant manager's declaration
  • Registration for social insurance
  • Proof of qualification of the operations manager
  • For companies, a complete, up-to-date extract from the commercial register
  • authorization to practice, if applicable
  • Exemption permit, if applicable

The application for entry in the Register of Craftsmen must be accompanied by

  • Current identity card or passport with current registration certificate,
  • valid residence certificate without conditions for foreign nationals, unless they are EU nationals,
  • articles of association,
  • Master craftsman, engineer, technician or industrial foreman examination certificate or notification of exemption or authorization to practice for the owner or craft management in copy; and, if applicable
  • Employment contract and manager's declaration;
  • GbR contract and declaration on the GbR contract,
  • Extract from the commercial register.
What are the fees?

The amount of the fee depends on the fee statutes of the respective Chamber of Crafts. Different fees are charged depending on the legal form and legal basis.

The amount of the fees depends on the scale of fees. Information on this can be obtained from the HWK.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

The entry in the register of craftsmen must be made before the first independent exercise of the craft requiring a license.

Processing duration

If the documents are complete, your application will be processed promptly.

Legal basis
  • §§ 6 ff. Act on the Regulation of Crafts (Crafts Code - HwO),
  • Annex A List of trades that can be operated as trades requiring a license (Section 1 (2)).

Appeal (appeal may be excluded depending on state law), administrative court action

Applications / forms

Application forms for trades requiring a license can be found on the HWK Lübeck website.

What else should I know?

The following information is available:

If the business is to be relocated to another Chamber of Crafts district, you must register with the local Chamber of Crafts.

If you move your business to another Chamber of Crafts district, you must register with the local Chamber of Crafts.

You can also find further information on the Register of Craftsmen on the HWK Lübeck website.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


If you want to operate a trade as a self-employed business, you need to be entered in the register of craftsmen. You can find out more here.

The owners of trades requiring a license are entered in the register of tradesmen.

Process flow

  • You submit the application for entry in the Register of Craftsmen to the relevant Chamber of Crafts.
  • The competent authority will check the documents and, if the application is successful, will enter you on the Register of Craftsmen.
  • Registration in the Register of Craftsmen is associated with the issue of a craftsman's card. You can later use the craftsman's card to identify yourself as a registered craftsman's business.

Who should I contact?

To the responsible Chamber of Crafts (HWK) or to the Single Point of Contact SH.

Important note:

An electronic application (application assistant) is available for applying for entry in the Register of Craftsmen via the Single Point of Contact Schleswig-Holstein.


  • Master craftsman's certificate

You will be entered in the Chamber of Crafts register if you or your company manager has successfully passed the master craftsman's examination in a craft requiring a license:

  • that corresponds to the craft that is to be practiced or
  • in a craft requiring a license that is technically related to this craft.
  • Note: If these requirements are not met, exceptions can be applied for in certain cases.


The Crafts Code contains provisions according to which the applicant or the company management may also

  • as a graduate of universities and technical colleges (e.g. as a graduate engineer)
  • with a German state or state-recognized examination equivalent to the master craftsman's examination (§ 7 Para. 2 HwO) can be entered in the register of craftsmen.
    The prerequisite is that the study or school focus of your examination corresponds to the craft to be registered.
  • with a license to practice according to § 7a HwO:
  • This is awarded to anyone who can prove that they have the necessary knowledge and skills for another craft listed in Annex A of the HwO or for essential activities of this craft.
  • with authorization to practice according to § 7b HwO:
  • Experienced journeymen can become self-employed, provided they can demonstrate at least six years of practical experience in the trade and have worked in a managerial position for at least four of these years.
  • with exceptional authorization §§ 8, 9 Para. 1 No. 1 HwO:
  • In exceptional cases, an exemption permit must be granted if the knowledge and skills required to practise the craft independently are proven. An exceptional case exists, for example, if taking a master craftsman's examination at the time of application or thereafter would represent an unreasonable burden.

The following applies to foreign applicants:

  • When you take up a craft, you must be entered in the register of craftsmen. The conditions of the Crafts Code also apply here. This also applies to foreign companies from countries outside the European Economic Area in the case of short-term skilled trade assignments (assembly work, work contract services).
    If you do not have a master craftsman's certificate or proof of an equivalent German examination or are not already registered in the Register of Craftsmen with another craft, it is possible under certain conditions to apply for an exemption permit in accordance with §§ 8 or 9 Para. 1 No. 1 HwO (Crafts Code)

Which documents are required?

  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • Proof of qualifications: (certified) copies of certificates of passed examinations
  • Copy of business registration (can be submitted later if necessary after entry in the register of craftsmen)
  • In the case of civil law companies, the articles of association and the manager's declaration
  • if a manager is employed:
  • employment contract
  • plant manager's declaration
  • Registration for social insurance
  • Proof of qualification of the operations manager
  • For companies, a complete, up-to-date extract from the commercial register
  • authorization to practice, if applicable
  • Exemption permit, if applicable

The application for entry in the Register of Craftsmen must be accompanied by

  • Current identity card or passport with current registration certificate,
  • valid residence certificate without conditions for foreign nationals, unless they are EU nationals,
  • articles of association,
  • Master craftsman, engineer, technician or industrial foreman examination certificate or notification of exemption or authorization to practice for the owner or craft management in copy; and, if applicable
  • Employment contract and manager's declaration;
  • GbR contract and declaration on the GbR contract,
  • Extract from the commercial register.

What are the fees?

The amount of the fee depends on the fee statutes of the respective Chamber of Crafts. Different fees are charged depending on the legal form and legal basis.

The amount of the fees depends on the scale of fees. Information on this can be obtained from the HWK.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

The entry in the register of craftsmen must be made before the first independent exercise of the craft requiring a license.

Processing duration

If the documents are complete, your application will be processed promptly.

Legal basis

  • §§ 6 ff. Act on the Regulation of Crafts (Crafts Code - HwO),
  • Annex A List of trades that can be operated as trades requiring a license (Section 1 (2)).


Appeal (appeal may be excluded depending on state law), administrative court action

Applications / forms

Application forms for trades requiring a license can be found on the HWK Lübeck website.

What else should I know?

The following information is available:

If the business is to be relocated to another Chamber of Crafts district, you must register with the local Chamber of Crafts.

If you move your business to another Chamber of Crafts district, you must register with the local Chamber of Crafts.

You can also find further information on the Register of Craftsmen on the HWK Lübeck website.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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