responsibility finder

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Promotion of projects in the fields of film, local history, international cooperation, art, literature, museums, music or theater.

The cultural promotion program supports projects in the areas of local history, international cooperation, art, literature, museums, music and theater. The aim is to give as many people as possible access to culture. The diversity and quality of cultural offerings and traditions are to be preserved and further developed.

The state of Schleswig-Holstein primarily supports projects that demonstrate a bundling and networking of resources. Municipalities can also take over the sponsorship of various cultural institutions or support cultural projects with financial assistance.

Who should I contact?
  • To the Ministry of General and Vocational Education, Science, Research and Culture (MBWFK), if it concerns cultural funding from the state of Schleswig-Holstein,
  • to the relevant municipal, local authority or city administration in the case of municipal cultural funding.
Which documents are required?

The details of funding applications and the information required depend on the individual funding measures. Please contact the relevant office in this regard.

Applications / forms

Applications can be submitted informally at any time. As a rule, a detailed cost and financing plan must be provided.

What else should I know?

Further information on cultural funding can be found on the website of the state government of Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Promotion of projects in the fields of film, local history, international cooperation, art, literature, museums, music or theater.

Who should I contact?

  • To the Ministry of General and Vocational Education, Science, Research and Culture (MBWFK), if it concerns cultural funding from the state of Schleswig-Holstein,
  • to the relevant municipal, local authority or city administration in the case of municipal cultural funding.

Which documents are required?

The details of funding applications and the information required depend on the individual funding measures. Please contact the relevant office in this regard.

Applications / forms

Applications can be submitted informally at any time. As a rule, a detailed cost and financing plan must be provided.

What else should I know?

Further information on cultural funding can be found on the website of the state government of Schleswig-Holstein.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers