Services A-Z
E (56 hits)
- Early support for the hearing impaired
- Earthworks and foundation engineering: Test expert - Recognition
- Educational counseling
- Educational leave
- Educator with foreign professional qualification, apply for recognition
- Elections
- Electronic income tax card
- Elementary school: transition to secondary school ("orientation level")
- Emergency aid for Germans abroad
- Emissions / immissions: Tolerance, protection
- Encourage the installation of traffic signs
- End international insurance with statutory accident insurance
- Energy certificate
- Energy consulting
- Energy supply: Charges for network access
- Energy supply: Closed distribution networks (object network / industrial or plant networks) - Approval
- Energy supply: Operation of energy supply networks - Authorization
- Engage an election assistant
- Engineer with foreign professional qualification, apply for permission to use the professional title "engineer
- Enquire about your company's account balance with the artists' social security fund
- Ensuring operational safety - applying for a permit to set up and operate filling stations
- Enter or change the tax number or tax identification number in the master data for the use of the Internet Export Declaration Plus (IAA Plus)
- Enter or change your tax number or tax identification number for the EMCS IT procedure for using the Internet EMCS application (IEA)
- Enter the amount of electricity in your tax return and calculate the electricity tax yourself
- Enter the study in the German Register of Clinical Trials
- Enter your name in the crisis prevention list for Germans abroad
- entry in the land register
- Entry in the Register of Craftsmen as a displaced person or ethnic German resettler
- Entry in the register of craftsmen with a domestic examination equivalent to the master craftsman's examination
- Entry in the register of craftsmen with a university degree or technician qualification
- Environmental health protection
- Environmental impact assessment
- Equality for women
- Equal treatment
- Establish a foundation
- Establish licensing requirement for companies in the financial sector
- Euro WC key / disabled WC key
- Events, markets and regional
- Events in public street space: Permission
- Examination for patentability
- examinations for dental, oral and maxillofacial diseases
- Exchange old driver's license for a new one
- Exemption from vehicle tax for registered electric vehicles
- Existing driver's license extended by driver's license class D, D1, DE or D1E
- Expert opinion on the fair value (market value) of developed and undeveloped land
- Explosive ordnance disposal
- Explosive substances: display of possible new substances
- Express interest in joining the pool of examiners of an ATO or report a change
- expropriation of property
- Extended information from the civil register
- Extend existing driver's license by class C, C1, CE or C1E
- Extend residence permit for employment in a civil service position with a German employer
- Extend trademark protection
- Extension of residence permit for the purpose of research for beneficiaries of international protection
- Extension of the residence permit for the continuation of studies begun in another EU country
- Eye test center: Recognition