Services A-Z
W (20 hits)
- Waiver of objection in the case of project-related or institutional funding by the Federal Ministry for Development
- Warning fine proceedings by the Artists' Social Security Fund for breach of obligations
- War victims' welfare
- Waste disposal: Landfills
- Wastewater: Construction of plants - Permit
- Waste water: modification of installations - Permit
- Waste water: Operation of plants - Approval
- Wastewater: Small sewage treatment plants - supervision / permit
- Water supervision
- Weapons, ammunition or permit documents - report loss
- Weapons and ammunition - apply for permission to take away
- Weapons transportation: Permit
- Widow's and widower's pensions for surviving dependants under statutory accident insurance
- Wind energy, priority areas
- Winter service
- Withhold, declare and pay income tax for service providers living abroad
- Witness summons
- Women's counseling centers (violence against women)
- Working in compressed air: Display
- Workplace Ordinance: Exception