Services A-Z
I (48 hits)
- Immediately register employees for social insurance (immediate registration)
- Immission control: Experts according to § 29a Federal Immission Control Act
- Importing goods (travel souvenirs) from non-EU countries into Germany (customs control)
- Importing goods from EU countries to Germany
- Income tax assistance association: Recognition
- Independently classify water-polluting chemical substances
- Independent schools
- Indicate the presence of lead drinking water pipes
- Infection hygiene monitoring
- Infection protection advice EHEC
- Information hotline on the terrorist organization National Socialist Underground (NSU)
- Information on long-term care insurance on the Internet
- Information on self-help groups
- Information on the Health and Care Professions Pact (GuP Pact)
- Informing information officers for pharmaceutical companies
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated shareholdings of banks and financial services institutions
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated significant shareholdings in banks and financial services institutions
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the appointment of a member and deputy members of the administrative or supervisory body
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the execution, abandonment or change of the intention to appoint a person to the management or to authorize a person to act as an individual representative
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the intention to appoint a managing director or authorize a person to act as an individual representative
- Inheritance: Apply for a certificate of inheritance
- Inheritance contract and will
- Initial medical care in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness
- Initial reception facility in Schleswig-Holstein/Information for Ukrainian refugees
- Initiate or apply for the indexing of a medium harmful to minors
- Inquiry of the operators of radio relay links in the specified plan area
- Insert a blocking note on religious affiliation
- Inspect a spatial development plan for the EEZ or the federal territory
- Inspecting the DPMA register
- Installation of gambling machines
- Instruction for caterers
- Insurance company: permission to operate
- Insurance license plates for mopeds, motorized medical chairs and light motor vehicles Issuing information
- Insure employees working temporarily abroad under statutory accident insurance
- Integrated rural development (village development + Leader)
- Integration assistance for children with disabilities or children at risk of disability
- Integration assistance for the mentally ill
- Intercultural week
- Interest-free loan for the period in which working hours are reduced or completely suspended in order to care for close relatives
- Interpreter: Sworn translator, Translator: Authorization
- In the gas industry or coal import and export, transmit data to the Federal Statistical Office
- INVEST - Grant for venture capital Grants for investments by private individuals in young innovative companies
- Investment grant from KfW for barrier reduction and burglary protection measures in existing residential buildings from federal funds
- Issuance of a certificate of marriageability for German citizens with residence, or habitual abode abroad.
- Issue and submit certificate of employment or certificate of additional income
- Issue of registration certificate
- Issue SEPA direct debit mandate (municipal)
- IT security: Apply for certification of persons