Services A-Z
M (44 hits)
- Maintenance
- Make a binding declaration to pay for all living expenses incurred by a foreign person or foreign persons as a result of their stay in Germany
- Make use of a women's shelter
- Make use of drug counseling or addiction counseling
- Making a declaration on organ and tissue donation
- Making notifications regarding medicinal products with standard authorization
- Marketing of poultry meat
- Master craftsman's examination: Exemption from parts of the examination
- Master craftsman examination: Admission
- Maternity recognition
- Matters relating to severely disabled persons
- Mayor: full-time
- Measures for better housing: Information on the Housing Protection Act
- Meat production / slaughter: ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection
- Meat production / slaughter: approval
- Mediation body for settling disputes between craft businesses and their clients
- Medical and dental treatment for people with statutory accident insurance in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness
- Medical on-call service 116 117
- Memorials
- Metrology and calibration
- Mobile phone masts
- Monitor drinking water
- Monitoring of swimming and swimming pools
- Monitoring of vocational education and training
- Monument promotion
- Monument protection, monument preservation
- Moped test certificate (TÜV)
- Mortuary passport: Exhibition
- Motor vehicle: Additional plate for bicycle carrier or load
- Motor vehicle: Driver's logbook
- Motor vehicle: Exemption from the obligation to wear a seat belt and helmet
- Motor vehicle: forced decommissioning (forced decommissioning)
- Motor vehicle: Registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document) - replace (information on readiness for collection)
- Motor vehicle: Regulatory offenses - warning fine / fine
- Motor vehicle: Re-registration of a vehicle returned after theft
- Motor vehicle: test and sealing badges
- Motor vehicle: Vehicle defects - obligations/fine
- Motor vehicle: Wildlife accident
- Motor vehicles: Exchange of a vehicle registration number for a euro number plate
- Mugwort ragweed: Recognize, report, control
- Municipal appointment information
- Municipal honor received
- Municipal supervision
- Music school