- All-day schools Apply for funding
All-day schools supplement scheduled lessons with their educational and childcare services.
Concept and structure of all-day schools in SH
- Apply for a family vacation
Promotion of vacation and leisure activities for children and young people from financially disadvantaged families.
- Apply for a residence permit for a foreign child to join a German parent
Foreign, underage, unmarried children can beForeign unmarried children who are minors may be granted a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification with a German parent.
- Apply for a sibling discount on daycare parental contributions
If you have more than one child who attends a daycare center or is cared for by a daycare provider, you can receive a sibling discount regardless of income under certain conditions.
- Apply for admission to a German school abroad
Do you live abroad or are you planning to move abroad and would like to enrol your child at a German school? Find out more about German schools abroad here.
- Apply for care in a day care center
If you can't make sure your child is doing well in your home, then your child may live in an assisted living facility temporarily or for a longer period of time.
- Apply for education in a day group
Does your child have problems in everyday life or in their development? As a parent, do you need support in raising your child? Then raising your child in a day group may be a possible solution.
- Apply for educational assistance or caregiver aide
Your child has problems in everyday life or in his development? You as a parent cannot help your child alone? Then an educational advisor can support your child.
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus federal program "Gemeinsam für Qualität: Kinder beteiligen im Ganztag"
School authorities and public or independent child and youth welfare organizations that want to improve the quality of all-day programs at elementary school by strengthening children's participation and co-determination can apply for funding.
- Apply for help for young adults
Young adults sometimes have difficulties living independently and without help from others. For people between the ages of 18 and 27, there is so-called "assistance for young adults" from the youth welfare office.
- Apply for intensive individual socio-educational support
Adolescents and young adults in difficult life situations can get help to become more independent and better able to cope in society.
- Apply for reduction of KiTa costs
Parental contributions for child day care facilities and child day care can be waived or paid in full or in part on application if the income is low enough.
- Apply for social pedagogical family assistance
You as a family or as a single parent need support to cope with your everyday family life? Then socio-pedagogical family assistance is an option for you. The socio-pedagogical family help is a form of help for upbringing from the youth welfare office.
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the family reunification of a foreign child with a German parent
Foreign, minor and unmarried children with a residence permit for family reunification with a German parent can receive an extension of the residence permit as long as the family relationship continues.
- Change of school
A change of school takes place through admission to a new school relationship at the new school and termination of the existing school relationship at the previous school. An...
- Child and youth protection
The protection of children and young people includes measures and regulations that serve to protect children and young people from dangers to their well-being.
- College
Offline since September 2010, see "Second-chance schools", No. 1000278
- Educational counseling
Parenting and family counseling centers help with parenting issues and personal or family-related problems.
- Elementary school: transition to secondary school ("orientation level")
The purpose of the orientation stage is to find out whether the pupils are likely to be able to work successfully at grammar school.
- Initiate or apply for the indexing of a medium harmful to minors
If you as an authority or youth welfare organization consider the content of a medium to be harmful to minors, you can apply to the Federal Agency for the Protection of Children and Young Persons in the Media (BzKJ) for an indexing procedure or initiate one.
- Music school
Music schools provide musical education, e.g. through instrumental or singing lessons
; tasks of music schools; link to the state association - Register child in KiTa
Do you want to register your child at a KiTa? There is a legal entitlement to so-called early childhood support when the child is 1 year old. Places for early childhood development are crèches, kindergartens, day nurseries and day care centers.
- Register your child with a childminder
Would you like to register your child with a childminder? There is a legal entitlement to so-called early childhood support when the child is 1 year old. Places for early childhood development are crèches, kindergartens, day nurseries and childminders.
- Report / report violence against children and young people
Violence towards children should be reported immediately to the youth welfare office or, if there is immediate danger, to the police.
- Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis
If you employ domestic help on a mini-job basis, you must register them using the household cheque procedure.
- Request help for upbringing in full-time care
If you cannot ensure that your child is doing well in your home, then your child may live in foster care temporarily or for a longer period of time.
- Request help with education
Parents usually take care of the upbringing and care for a child. However, it may be useful for the state to help with the upbringing.
- Request participation in social group work
Some children and young people have difficulties in their personal development. It is difficult for them to approach other children, to get involved in groups or to cope with their problems independently.
- School enrollment examination
The school entry examination is compulsory for all children who are due to start school.
- School psychological counseling
The school psychological service supports, advises and mediates in the event of problems that arise at school.
- School road safety
Road safety education and safety on the way to and from school is carried out in cooperation with schools, parents, the police, administration, politicians and other cooperation partners.
- School supervision
The school system in Schleswig-Holstein is subject to supervision by the state. This supervision includes the content, organization and planning (school design) as well as the...
- School transportation - apply for reimbursement of costs
If you would like to be reimbursed for your child's travel costs to and from school, you must apply to the relevant authority.
- Second-chance schools
Second-chance schools are schools or institutions where adults can obtain the relevant qualifications.
General information on catching up on school-leaving qualifications
- Special educational support (school / support center)
Pupils with special educational needs are those who, for certain reasons, can only take part in school lessons with special help.
Special educational support for people with such needs - Youth work / youth education
Youth work is part of youth welfare. It supports young people in recognizing, respecting and experiencing values and strengthens independent action.
School performance can be assessed in the form of texts, grades or points.
Report cards with/without grades in the individual school types
The school holidays at public general and vocational schools are 75 working days per school year.
- Surveys at schools
Scientific research projects in schools (studies, surveys, test series and similar) require approval.
- Take parental leave after the first three years of life
If you have not taken all of your parental leave during the first 3 years of your child's life, you can take the remaining time, up to a maximum of 24 months, between your child's 3rd and 8th birthday. You must register this in good time.