- Apply for a business identification number (W-IdNr.)
If you start a business activity, you will be given a business identification number (W-IdNr.).
- Apply for assessment for persons with limited tax liability
If you are subject to limited tax liability, you can apply for income tax or corporation tax assessment under certain conditions.
- Apply for certification of pension and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")
If you wish to sell tax-incentivized retirement provision or basic pension contracts, you must first apply for certification for these and receive approval from the certification body - the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt).
- Apply for participation in the control reporting procedure for relief from withholding tax
If you owe remuneration for the transfer of rights or certain investment income, you can submit an application for authorization to apply the control reporting procedure in order to be able to refrain from withholding tax in whole or in part under certain conditions.
- Apply for relief from electricity tax for companies
If you have withdrawn taxed electricity for business purposes, you can claim relief under certain conditions. You must apply for this at your local main customs office.
- Calculate and pay energy tax
If you handle energy products such as petrol or heating oil, you must pay energy tax. To do this, you submit a tax return to the relevant main customs office in which you calculate the tax yourself. This is known as a tax declaration.
- Church tax
In Schleswig-Holstein, anyone who is a member of a religious community and is resident in Schleswig-Holstein is liable for church tax.
- Comply with obligations to cooperate under the Tax Haven Defense Act
If you as an individual or your company have business relationships or shareholdings relating to a non-cooperative tax jurisdiction, you must provide certain information to the tax office and, if applicable, the Federal Central Tax Office (BZSt).
- Create a donation receipt
If you would like to issue a donation receipt, you must use the official form.
- Declaration of waiver of certification of old-age provision and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")
If you wish to waive certification of an old-age provision or basic pension contract for the future, you can declare a corresponding waiver.
- Display bank details to the tax authority for the first time
You can have state benefits paid out to you unbureaucratically, directly and securely against misuse if the Federal Tax Office (BZSt) has your account details.
- Display changes to certified retirement provision or basic pension contracts
If you, as the provider of a certified old-age provision or basic pension contract, wish to obtain or notify changes, you must notify them in advance.
- Electronic income tax card
All data for wage tax deduction is transmitted digitally under the name "ELStAM" (Elektronische LohnSteuer AbzugsMerkmale).
- Enter the amount of electricity in your tax return and calculate the electricity tax yourself
If you have to pay electricity tax, you submit a tax return to the relevant main customs office in which you calculate the tax yourself. This is known as a tax declaration.
- Final subsidy statement from the Artists' Social Security Fund
Grants that you receive from the Artists' Social Security Fund are finally settled in the following year.
- gift tax received
Information on inheritance and gift tax.
- Insert a blocking note on religious affiliation
If you do not want your religious affiliation to be checked, you can make a blocking note. The blocking note obliges you to submit a tax return in order to pay any church tax on capital gains tax yourself.
- Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of the change in personal data
If your personal data changes, you must inform the Künstlersozialkasse. You should also inform the Künstlersozialkasse if your contact details change or expand.
- Notify the artists' social security fund of your stay abroad
If you stay or work abroad for a longer period of time, this may affect your German social insurance. You must notify the Künstlersozialkasse of any change in your situation in good time.
- Receive relief from German tax deduction in accordance with § 50c EStG
If you would like to receive relief from German withholding tax, you can submit an application under certain conditions.
- Request a tax office certificate from the artists' social security fund
If you are subject to compulsory insurance or entitled to subsidies via the Artists' Social Security Fund, you will receive proof of the tax-deductible contributions and subsidies for each year.
- Request an annual statement from the artists' social security fund
If you are subject to compulsory insurance or entitled to a subsidy via the artists' social security fund, you will receive proof of your insurance for each year.
- Request tax identification number (IdNr) or church tax deduction feature (KiStAM)
If your company is obliged to deduct church tax, you can submit a request for the church tax deduction feature for your company.
- Tax matters
The assessment and collection of taxes (with the exception of municipal taxes) is the responsibility of the tax offices.
Income tax is a tax levied on the income of natural persons.
- Reimbursement of overpaid pension insurance contributions by the artists' social security fund
If you pay too much into your pension insurance, you will receive a refund.
- Submit notification of futility due to insufficient cooperation of contractual parties
If you were unable to enter the identification number of a contract person, you must submit a futility report.
- Withhold, declare and pay income tax for service providers living abroad
If you remunerate services provided by service providers living abroad, you must withhold, declare and pay income tax for them under certain circumstances.